My Aquarium Pics

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2006
Silverdale, WA
After asking lots of noob questions, and a recent scare that I was killing my favorite coral (thanks to a dKH of >20, see this thread) I have decided to post some pictures of my tank and a few of the inhabitants.

They show the progression of my tank, from first adding water with a few LR rubble, to the current look as of this evening.
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And here are my larger corals. The first is my daisy coral (alveopora sp.), then my hammer, and finally my sunflower.

As an aside I added the sunflower to the coral gallery, but since there was no specific category for the tubastrea species, I added it to the turbinaria category. It was the closest fit I could find.
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Beautiful tank.

Thats quite the variety of life for a 24gal tank, I like it. The close-ups of those coral species appear to be very healthy. Cool stuff :D
Wonderful Tubastraea faulkneri! (My guess at the species :) ) Nice to see such a healthy specimen in captivity. What are you feeding it?

charlie said:
Nice job, how long has it been up?
Still a very young tank. It was set up in early February.
kevinpo said:
Wonderful Tubastraea faulkneri! (My guess at the species ) Nice to see such a healthy specimen in captivity. What are you feeding it?

I target feed it twice a week with frozen mysis, at "dusk" (just after the daylight bulbs turn off). That picture is from last night, about 30 minutes after feeding. The rest of the tank gets liquidlife bioplankton and coralplankton alternating with marineplankton every other day. The clownfish get some mysis when the sun coral is feed, and they love the cyclopeeze in the marineplankton.
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Beautiful tank! The sun polyp looks great! Great job. Can't wait to see how that big tank is going to look....:D

Your tank looks great!!! Where did you get all those beautiful corals and rock???;)

You've done a great job taking your time to learn everything and I'm sure you will continue having lots of success. It's great that the Jakarta rock is so cured that you can have a tank look that good so quick.
A big thanks has to go out to Eric at the Shark's Reef. I have obviously been remiss in thanking him publicly. :lol:

My tank wouldn't look so great if it wasn't for Eric and Will and all the time they have spent answering my questions. I have asked 20 times more noob questions at the Shark Reef than I have asked here.

My tank cycled in 3 days with the LR I bought there, allowing me to stock so quickly.

If you are ever on this side of the water, check out the Shark Reef. Excellent stock, excellent service. Just remember to ask if I have my eye on a coral or fish, and leave it alone for me! :D
NeuroDoc said:
Just remember to ask if I have my eye on a coral or fish, and leave it alone for me! :D

You might have had a nice Pagoda today if everyone would just do what you ask here, huh? :lol:

Thanks for the great remarks!!!