my biocube

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here is the progress of my much crowded biocube. everything is going smooth and coming along great! and its finally happened! my clowns hosted in the bubble tip after many months of waiting







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How is your 6 line wrasse behaving? I've heard mixed reviews on their peaceful nature. I also have a BC29. Keep up the good work with the biocube and if you ever think of upgrading lights to LED's check out Steve's LED's. I did the conversion and am in love with the results.
How is your 6 line wrasse behaving? I've heard mixed reviews on their peaceful nature. I also have a BC29. Keep up the good work with the biocube and if you ever think of upgrading lights to LED's check out Steve's LED's. I did the conversion and am in love with the results.
Hey thanks for checking out my cube. My six line was one of the originals in the tank so he does pick on new comers for about a week but after that he is as nice as can be. Never picks on fish or corals so I can't complane. I was a little worried abou him at first, reading about the aggressive behavior and then the pain trying to catch him if it didn't work but everything's gone good so far. It's been quite the process getting everything going but I'm loving the results.