My first reef build

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What size is the tank and what kind of filtration do you have set up? Equipment your using. Oh and lots of pictures. We all love pictures. I should post my build one of these days.
50 gal breeder, with a couple power heads, LR, a CPR backpack skimmer, and a 36" coralife t5HO fixture I got on clearence at petco for $49, marked down from $179. Plan to add more lighting as budget allows, I've got an icecap 660 ballast but no other hardware for it.
Nice start!! Can't believe you got the lights at that price!! That's insane!! :eek: Never find deals like that here LOL!! Anything I import here to the Bahamas I have to pay duty on so stuff like pet supplies, just imagine having to pay shipping and then about 52% customs duty (import tax) on top of it! :shock:

Good luck with the setup! :)
Nice start Aaron. It will come along faster than you expect. Things seemed like they took forever to get going for us but before we knew it some much had changed. Before and after pics really help to see the progress.
Looking great man, i really like your avatar. reminds me of family guy cookie monster in the restroom. lol keep up the good work.
Thats probably enough rock to start, I will only add more in the future if there is something cool living on said rock. I'd like to start with easy stuff so I can learn how the miniture ecosystem works and we'll just have to see how far I take it. So far I have been advised to keep mushrooms and zoos( low light right now). soon to upgrade I think. My daughters said we have to have clownfish.
I'll check my tank, might be able to help you out with a couple zoas or mushrooms to get you started.

Careful about adding clownfish too early. They can be fairly aggressive. As a general policy, you want to add the most passive fish first and let them establish territory, then add more aggressive fish later.

If you add agro fish first, you might have a lot of trouble getting any of the less agro species to survive. I have a pair of oscillaris clowns that are a bit agro (they are hosting an anemone) but aren't too bad. I've seen many very evil clarkii clownfish though. Careful with those guys
LET THERE BE LIFE... today I got a bunch of snails 20 of them some nerites and something else the guy at barrier suggested. I also got a firefish goby and a scooter blenny, from another store. The firefish was suggested by a friend and should be fine, but the scooter blenny/ dragonette probably wont have food, unless I start adding pods and such (from what I have read)... I wonder why these stores don't offer up this info, to us noobs, who don't have a clue? I am not really upset with the store, I should have asked. anyhow , excited to have a couple fish and snails. maybe next weekend I'll add something else. Better ask a veteran reefer first though.