My heart and soul go out to Newtown, Conn

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
Today.......I heard the news....I left work and went to my daughters school and pulled her out......I hugged her tightly . We spent the rest of the day discussing what had happened. She has recently befriended a girl in her class that is a loner and everyone teases. She wonders if this could've happened to this boy would he have been so angry still.

It is time for all of us to start reaching out instead of just walking by............just sayin
Good point.....My son is only 11 years old and 5'5" and 150lbs. Hes always been bigger than all his class mates. He just started playing football and baseball and is actually taller than some of his coaches. But other kids tease him because he can't run as fast as they can and stuff like that, so he dosn't make freinds . He live with his mom and she thinks he just needs meds. to make him better. Like he has adhd or something. He does the same things at school that I did at his age. He dosn't need drugs, just attention. If I could afford a attourney I'd go for custody so I can have him and not see him grow up with no friends and do something wrong. He just needs people to understand him and like him for who he is..... I have always been the guy that had weird friends because I like people for who they are and not for what I want them to be.

People need to understand others differences and learn about them , not just judge them. I'm in a ramble and not sure if I'm saying what I need to so ..
O and yes , my heart goes out to those people that lost children......I can't even emagine what they are going through. Such a sad day.