my heater broke

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im very happy with my reef keeper II...

working great so far...

its only controlling the leds, the single (slightly) unpowered heater (set at 82) the light for the sump to be on the oposite 12hr shift. and a cooling fan set to come on at 81.5

I understand your frustration about heater issues. I had a small herd of Temensis Peacock Bass and fed them some goldfish and in their zeal to get the goldfish (which was hiding behind the heater) one of the bass slammed into the heater and broke it...electrocuting all of my bass, my arrowana and my two Arapaima (which I thought were indestructible...sigh). That is why I bought two of those titanium/Steel heaters...a bit late though...

sorry to hear the news gabs i lost my entire tank to this. i still haven,t restocked. i think don is right on about mounting the heater so the top is out of the water. nif i would have done that it would have saved me thousands of dollars and a whole hell of alot of heart ache
The titanium heaters are a good choice due to not breaking like glass, but the ends can fail and pop off. Ben (classclown) had this happen and he lost most of his coral reef inhabitants. Regardless of what type heater, keep the ends out of the water and not left hanging by the cord. Best to also use a controller for when the thermostat fails in the on position as they all will.
I'm actually the opposite when it comes to glass/titanium. Metal conducts electricity, glass doesn't. When heaters fail, it's typically electrical. I've never had anything but perfect reliability from my Jager glass heaters. And they're made out of Pyrex glass, which is extremely resilient to breaking.

Gaby, was there any chance the heater was still warm when you put it back in your sump? If so, the glass could have shattered simply due to temperate differences (just like throwing steaming water on an icy windshield). My primary concern for your tank would be potential copper poisoning from the heater guts. It would probably be cheap peace of mind to pick up some copper absorbing material or a copper test kit to be sure.
Gaby, was there any chance the heater was still warm when you put it back in your sump?

you know that's one thing i wouldn't know :( because i have always been afraid of touching the heater :p .

If you cannot afford to go to the controller yet,

i dont' knwo, how much do they go for ? :p any good ones out there? :)