My male percula

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Lee, my clowns won't eat Formula 2 or Spirulina formula and I really would like for them to eat more greens. Somebody suggested to get fresh Nori from an Asian store. What do you think? also, how about ocean plankton?
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There are several products available and I would try some others. Try nori (and there are several different kinds of these) just to see if there is any interest. Also, try different presentations: Presentation[/b][/url]. Like, you can attach the greens to rocks, fake decor, etc.
Excellent. Now, if you mean 'nori' then you want to get in some macro sea algae, too.
In the San Diego area, there are many fine aquarium stores. Locate a LFS that supplies marine life and goods, and you'll find pre-packaged macro algae in sheets (looks like nori) or loose packed, or flakes. Try different colors, but mostly serve green.