my maxima clam

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2009
puyallup washington
hi barry,:)

i got this from a friend 2 weeks ago...first i tried putting it in a rock high up in the tank but it moves too much so i just put it in the sand bottom and its been in there it ok or should i put a piece of rock for it to attach to?
its almost 2 inches...does the expansion on the pics look ok?...its more purple in person than in the pic...

i just wanna know if its ok to put it in the sand without any rock attach to it..thanks:)
sorry for the dirty acrylic tank...
If she is happy in the sand, then I would leave her there but might place a something just under the sand for her to grab on to.

I put something under mine and it never grabbed it... I just made sure that it was never without light and some water flow.
Here are a few from my last tank. Most did great with just the BB but the maxima seemed to do better on a rock. Clams sure are some great animals.


those are nice clams..:)mines sooo tiny...i found a dead piece of monti cap in my nano...i put it under my baby clam...i think its better if it has something under coz sometimes my clam shuts close then it seems to puff air then sands around it gets blown and i read that if some sands gets inside,it will irritate it..
I don't know about the sand irritating it. Most clam tanks I've seen have pebbles of some sort. My tangs and clown used to swim in and out of the clams even brushing the organs and they never seemed to mind. :)
ok my maxima moved out of that piece of dead monti that i put under now its back on the sand...guess its more happy in the sandbed:)