My Mushrooms.

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Mar 29, 2005
These things grow like crazy.


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Absolutely. My Ricordia grow and split like crazy. In fact I'm considering selling off a few mushrooms in the near future. I've got Furry mushroooms, those stripped mushrooms, Ricordia. etc... I feed them daphnia.

Little bugs or knat lilke creatures that are grown and frozen for animal other than human consumption. The're in the frozen foods for fish section at your local pet store.
Thanks for sharing the pictures Slimmer. It sorta reminded me how I stumbled across RF...Looking for info and definately cool pics!
are u supposed to feed your mushrooms, i haven't in like the 3 or 4 months i've had mine, will they grow faster?
The ones that will eat will definately grow faster. I think it goes like this. Food for survival, more food will go to growth, and them more food will go to reproduction. Just dont over do it. LOL
hmm i like your idea dood.
I'm definetly buying some of that stuff.
now how often would i have to feed that stuff ?
Feeding time.

I feed mine Mon. Wed. Fri. I don't subscribe to anyone elses theory of feeding. I feed when convienient for me.
well i went to the lfs and for my bad luck i couldn't remember the name, i tried explaining them and they told me, it was phytoplankton but just with a different name :doubt: , i bought it :doubt: costed me almost 20 bucks for a tiny bottle, i added it in the tank yesterday but i didn't see the mushrooms closing or anything unusual :( , now i feel like i got ripped off.
I'm gonna try looking for it at another store and see if they have it.
i think u're supposed to feed mushrooms more meaty food, like frozen foods, i'm going to try what i used to feed to my clowns and my tongue coral seemed to like, i think i'ts formula one frozen stuff, not sure where the package is now
Feeding Shrooms

I use a 20mm tube connected to something that I can force the stuff directly at them.
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i'm thinking i might use chopsticks to feed my mushrooms cause it'd improve my skills, lol and i'm chinese, and use plastic ones to be safe, and i could get to weird places that way
lol you know i always admire asian people because they can eat anything with those chopsticks, everytime i go to one of their restaurants i go through the shame of asking for a fork a knife and a spoon :(