My new room for my 175

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Up-Date: Ok Nitrates finally bottomed out so 2 nights a go I mixed up 150 gallons of water and changed it out last night. Water is now crystal clear all tests look flawless. Before that my skimmer was skimming this putrid yellow looking stuff and as of this morning hardly anything in the cup. While I drained the tank down I used a drain vacuum to clean up any debries. So far the only thing I would change is the sump. I would have made a custom one made for a refergium. I'm going to give it a couple more weeks and then go crazy with corals and then in about another month fish. I will keep you posted.

Actually Adam bigger isn't always easier especially changing water LOL. I had a nice 10 gal set up like you and my tank sitter destroyed that while i was on vacation. I lost over $600 worth fish and coral.

well at least if you lose 10 gals from your 175 you can most likely bounce back.

i've got 75 in my room just waiting for me to grow the balls to set it up..(ref. my sig.). it's intimidating, especially coming from having the 10.
I am new here to reef frontiers,and I joined because of Marco rocks.
I think your tank looke great!!!! Would love to see some updated pics..
I am setting up an Oceanic 120gallon tech tank,and have orderd some tonga slab and large fiji peices.I plan on bulding 3 pillars and one small island.I think what is great about this rock is you don't have to worry about any bad alges and hitchhikers being intraduced to the tank.If you do things right from the biggining,it makes things go alot smooyher in the long run.
Up-date!!! Sorry I have been away so long. My work in the summer keeps me busy and on the road a lot. I will post some pics tonight but the tank is going splendid. I had one snafu and unfortunately lost a lot of fish, shrimps and corals over it. I had my Hydor tank heater got stuck on. When I woke up one morning the tank was 98 degrees and the only thing still alive was the hermit crabs feasting on the carcasses. Rumor is true that nothing short of starvation will kill a hermit crab. My rose Anenome is HUGH!!! That baby can get 20" across when it's open. The best thing about my tank........completely free of any filter media!!!!! With weekly water changes and a Calcium drip it stays crystal clear. I use a skimmer and a well planned out but simple home made sump. That reminds me . Don't ever buy a acrylic store sump. Mine decide to crack in the middle of the night and what a mess that was!! Any way pics tonight Boys and Girls!!

Here you go!!! Enjoy....Jerry





Burp! Oh sorry. Nice set-up. I would be overjoyed with the fuge! :) Your tank looks wonderful. (sorry about the burp, I was just jealous)