My new work tank

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jamie, i just noticed your cooling fans, i dig the thermaltake 3 wire fans ;) ;)

Yeah. They are a little loud, but I have them hooked up to an adjustable voltage adapter and running them a little lower voltage really quiets them down.
The tank has been moved to it's new location. I got up at 4am this morning to move the tank before work. It was all up and running by 7:30.

I ended up draining it about 3/4 of the way and removing most of the rock & coral. They were placed in a rubbermaid container with some of the water. I did about a 30% water change with the move. Everything is opened, polyps extending and generally happy, all things considered. The temp got down a little lower than I would have liked (75.5), but I have been slowly been bringing it back up. It is at 78.6 right now and should stabilize at 78.9-79.2.

Here is a pic of the tank in its new space.


The view is much better from here too. :)
I had to move my tank over the weekend for carpet replacement in our office. I decided to dip the corals in Interceptor to get rid of the redbugs I had seen on a couple of my acros at the same time. When I went home on Saturday evening everything looked ok.

Something went amiss over the weekend, as I came in today to see pretty much all of my SPS RTNd. There is still some tissue on my Oregon Tort and a couple of my montis, but pretty much everything else is dead. The fish are still alive and so is the clam.

My wife is bringing me in some fresh saltwater and ziplocs so I can float the surviving corals until I can take them home tonight. Talk about a crappy start to the week. :(
sorry to hear about problem,,,i don't think temp have to do with the rtnd,,my tank down to 75 at one time last winter ,,,OD on the dip maybe:confused:
I might have overdosed the interceptor a little, but I haven't really heard many cases of RTN when people have overdosed. I think it might have been the treatment along with stirring up the sandbed when moving the tank as well as a large water change. The temp & ph were the same as the tank water, so it should have been fine.

I am kind of torn between:

1. breaking the tank down
2. starting over and refocusing towards a different setup (LPS dominant or clown/anemone)
3. take the tank home and set it up as a quarantine or frag setup.

I am going to think about it for the rest of the week and make a decision then. Right now I am just upset about losing everything and the first instinct is to scrap it and take it home. I really like having the tank at work, but it becomes a hassle to take care of and if I go on vacation I have to make sure someone here knows how to take care of it.
ORA tort
blue tenius
sunset monti
red cap
green cap x2
purple rim cap x2
peach acro
green tort
blue-green acro
several zoos

oregon tort - has lost tissue on about 1/3 of the colony, but as of last night had decent PE on the rest.
orange/purple monti - was starting to show a little PE last night
frogspawn - started to extend within a couple hours of getting it into my tank, but the flesh has retracted quite a bit.
stylophora - not sure if this one will make it. Was not looking good last night but has not gone RTN or anything.
superman digitata - took it home since there were still polyps, but it is completely bleached.

look like they will pull through:
tubs blue zoos
blue/green rics
goby/shrimp pair

I am sure there are others, but right now I can't think of them. Fortunately, most of the corals I lost were frags from my tank at home except for the ORA tort, blue tenius and the superman digi. I am really bummed about the superman digi since it was growing real well and was just starting to go blue in the base.
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Oh man, where do you work that lets you have a tank! I'm jealous. Our IT guys are a little nervous of having water next to expensive equipment. :p
Well, I decided to keep the tank at work and give it another go. I went to Barrier at lunch and got some more rock to put in the tank. I am not sure about the aquascaping yet, but I am going to leave it as is for a couple days or so.


There are a couple zoos and a browned out tri-color acro left that made it through the crash. The tricolor was really infested with redbugs before the treatment and would not extend any polyps at all. Now even though it has lost some color, the PE is great and no redbugs to be seen. I am sure it will recover soon.

My clam also survived and is doing well, but I don't have an updated pic. It still looks like a clam :).

The rock is cured so there should be no cycle but I am going to give it a few days at least before I add anything. I am still up in the air over whether I am going to go SPS dominated again or if I want to go more LPS. I have really been liking the chalices and acans, but the nice ones are real spendy and I would hate to lose them in another tank crash. Hopefully, I won't have to move it again anytime soon.
That is a really nice tank. It is fun to see the difference in the beginning pictures and the newer pictures.
Oooh read the second page...sorry for your losses. :(
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