My OBD 200 gallon rimless cube build

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Idk about 600gph unless the overflow does good surface and large...
Ur sump setup depends on wat ur putting in it obvoiusly.
I've had three diff ones. My current sumps r.
One is just a large chamber and than the bubble trap to the return. I put LR in the chamber and a skimmer on a stand.
The other drains into one side and than return in the middle that feeds the fuge full of rock and dsb.

+1 LR or macro not both...causes mess. I like my pellet reactor! Running almost as much as I can in it.
So your saying low flow. Looks like I won't be buying that 1750 gph return pump then:) more like 600 I imagine. Time to throw a post up under the floor where last joist runs along edge of the tank. I moved the spot where I want the tank I'm going to put it where the other tanks are. Which will complicate things I'm sure but I have two outlets in that corner and two foundation walls. Hmm lots of planning

A little planing will go a long way.
Many ways to set up a sump. Make it work for you.
Ok so here is an idea. Uh oh... So I could y off the drain line and send a smaller amount to my 30 and use that as a separate refugium. The 30 has an overflow and let that flow into the sump. My sump will have most of the live rock for the system due too it being fairly minimal in rock work. About 100-150 in the dt. Along with the skimmer which rated @ 250 gallons is looking a bit light. Well that's one idea at least.
So your saying low flow. Looks like I won't be buying that 1750 gph return pump then:) more like 600 I imagine.

Low flow is what I do, about 800-900 gph in my 240 display and 85 gallon sump.
Many people do much higher, and it works for them.
I happen to like it because it really helps settle out detritus, eliminates ( along with bubble traps) micro bubbles, lower power usage, less cost and tends to make less noise.
There have been more than a few debates on the pro's and con's of both and there is no right answer.
What ever pump you want to use and how it works in your system makes it the right choice for you.
This should be a fun build to watch. I will be interested in seeing how this sump/fuge get set up.

good luck with what ever you chose.
Thank you, it's def gonna be fun:) I think I've settled on having a separate refugium that flows into the first chamber through a filter sock where the protien skimmer will have a chance at it. Then as the water moves to the second chamber with lots of live rock then the bubble trap and on to the return chamber. Sounds good on paper at least:)
This is cool. It's basically twice the size of the tank they built for me, though mine was a little longer - 56 x 24 x 20. It should be a beauty - I can hardly wait to see the progress!
Hmm lots of planning

I had the good fortune to be able to setup my 240 completely out in my garage and run freshwater through it for a couple weeks. Doing all the need changes and twiks before settling on the finish design before bringing it in the house.
Figure out a plan, but be ready to change it when needed.
Ok so here is an idea. Uh oh... So I could y off the drain line and send a smaller amount to my 30 and use that as a separate refugium. The 30 has an overflow and let that flow into the sump. My sump will have most of the live rock for the system due too it being fairly minimal in rock work. About 100-150 in the dt. Along with the skimmer which rated @ 250 gallons is looking a bit light. Well that's one idea at least.

This is how I have my new 180 sump/fuge system set up to work

A big + 1 on Marty's advice on be able to change things around
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I noticed I have two pages of thread and no pics! Time to change that. But first with the business at hand. I traded for 100lbs of dry rock and 60lbs of Ooglite sand. So no I have 200lbs of rock total and should be enough. I'm putting it all in a large bin and starting the curing process when I get home tonight. A water change and usin gthe tank water of course
And this weekend I'll pick up the sump and start on building baffles. Here is a pic of the sump and the configuration of the holes

And then I went to Oceans by Design to talk about the design of the tank. Eric had his hands full but still made time to address what I wanted done. It was great being able to design it how I wanted it and have options also. And before ieft I took a pic of a tank that is almost exactly what mine will look like. It had water in it but I couldnt resist taking a pic so I can see what I'm planning for:)
Ok I picked up the sump. Thanks again Devin. So now I'm gonna do a couple of mock ups. With the 30 and the 75 to see if it passes the "that's a dumb idea" test lol
Well many of you remember my 4x4 build last summer. Well it hit a bunch of snags and Ive been slowly trading for pieces to get it going and now Ive got enough things to start putting it all together. for the most part lol.
The glass has been in their shop for quite some time while I was recovering from being on L&I for several months. But last week I finally visited their shop during the PSAS meeting. During the tour of their store I saw one of their 200 gallon cubes. That's 199 gallons inside dimensions Dave. The look of that tank was real slick and beautiful. That re-lit the fire because I saw how close I was to getting it done. Since then I've been talking with the guys at Oceans by Design about putting humpty dumpty back together again. And they reinvigorated my thoughts about the whole design of it. The bulky weir with the "bean animal" overflow will be replaced with a Center overflow using the herbie design. Also Ive dropped the idea of it being a coldwater tank. Its going to be minimalist in style and showcase carpet anemones, clams, and some SPS. And maybe a sweet elegance or two;) Sump design might drive me a bit batty though :der:. For a sump all I got is a 30 long acrylic. i could use my 55 but its being used for my african cichlid tank, and its glass. I like acrylic for drilling holes for chillers and main pumps. But would 30 gallons do the trick? Anyway wish me luck I'll need it!

Well, Paul, when this tank is done I definitely will have to make it up to Monroe. I would love to see this tank.
You know your welcome here anytime Earl. So a few things that I worked on this week were the sump and refugium layout plus picking up a skimmer. The skimmer was free but missing parts. It is missing a pump and input dose and output hose. It was used in a fish stores 250 gallon setup. I don't need if it needs a Venturi pump or a pump with an airstone or .... Guess I'll be researching that tonight.
And the sump plus refugium. pardon the toolbox that the refugium is sitting on:p But as you can see the refugium will pour into the liverock chamber after the skimmer chamberand the refugium will have a cryptic refugium also at the outlet of the refugium. Thanx for that idea Todd. I have a similar chamber that your is in. But mine will empty straight into the sump

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Hey Paul, it is looking pretty cool. Yeah, when you get it all put together and things settle down for me I will definately make the trip up there. I really enjoyed it last time. Your aquatic world is a different twist. I really love your tanks.
Well the short answer is no. Through a series of unfortunate events most of which I don't really want to talk about, the dream of having a large cube has been nixed.