My plans, Update!

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Sep 6, 2006
Hillsborough NC
On the idea of having any number of small marine fishes or so in order that the Ribbon eels would necessary feed, not stave to death as so many often do, that the cost would be staggering The idea then gone to having any number of damsels, of course it wouldn't be that I would gotten anymore then one damsel species at any one time. And I know how difficult it is for these damsels to be caught by many eels, were as the goldentails do have a more flexibility to in able them to catch a damsel.

So another idea was suggested to me by Dr. Marco Lichtenberger to breed and maintain Mollies as my possible live feeding choice. I know what some will say, but know this, something i not taking into account about, for Mollies have at lease half of the nutritional value, unlike feeders or silversides which offers nothing. Still, this idea is to be a short term thought in doing, I no wish to feed even mollies for any longer length of time then I care to. Its with all hope that upon starting this feeding method, I pray that it ends in 6 to 12 months, sooner however would be more preferable.

So on this thought in a different method then I normally did plan on, I will be needing another 40 gal breeder tank for the mollies, and the 40 I now have isn't ideally setup as good as i wanted it for a QT for coral and fish, for the 240 when ready, so I will get another new 40 for the QT for corals and fish.

James is looking at that he could possibly get this done a month from now, but what is lacking here is that I will not be able to have the full cost to the rebuilding of the tank, and lease of all, a new 40 gal breeder QT.

So in the idea of breeding mollies, I a lot of researching to do, to put notes together and list my questions, and being that it will not be im guessing this year that the twin eel tanks will be moved and rebuild as well to some extent, im at least hoping that it will be at most by the end of next year (2010), hopefully no later.

So the idea is still alive, the idea project to maintain myself a pair of Ribbon Eels.

Now what I need to do is, get me an exact idea of which lighting reflectors I will have on the 240 so to get a total cost with all the other things which requires rebuilding. James said that he will try too keep the cost down, with already knowing that I paid far too much to have it done in the first place, only to have nothing in what I paid for.

I cannot start the mollies tank idea until I begin the Ribbon eels, with corals. In cash now for rebuilding the 240 and for a new 40 gl breeder QT, in cash right now is $3,200 and next month by the time James do start the work, I should have another $500. And I still have what those ballasts cost and what cash difference I will get for the selling of the 150 gal tank.

Even as well, I want to see what idea of suggestion be put to me on the lighting and its equipment, I not know if James understood me that I don't want that the filtration system be done and running on the 240, not without the lighting in place to which then I could begin stocking, with the QT in readiness as well.

Im across another thought as well, for even that the two tank system for now that will become eels and corals, what small setup will i do for the fry after their birth, and I thought as well to a tank hang on if you follow my meaning. Im going to have some similar fashion for the mollies as well.


Im only stating here what im planning to do, there is no line of questioning here, yet.

James and I talk about how and what we will do about rebuilding my 240, we briefly spoken today on this, and his one problem was thinking in how he could make two sumps work as one, that a skimmer will be in each tank, and were not decided on what size tank the second sump will be, to were as the tank sump now in place, is a 75 gal tank.

James was thinking in using a pump to make the water flow from one sump to the other, were as I told James that this idea would only in time prove to be more of a pain, that the best solution is too drill both tanks on the sides to where they face one another, and run a PVC piping across.

But as I said, this tank will not look in the way it was best to look like from the start, being that everything was done wrong, but at lease the tank will be more suitable in order that I might maintain a SPS system. Hopefully, all goes well, and James not have any delays in how he will do this rebuilding of the 240. I think i said that their will be two main return pumps that pumps 1900 gph, we too as what was put on the tank, was a RIO which pump only 900 gph

Sorry, I didn't really read more then the first couple paragraphs, but I think Chicas was questioning what's up with the rambling post.

On a side note, is James someone else or are you referring to yourself in third person?
rambling post
Then you shouldn`t comment any if your nothing intelligent to say about it :rolleyes:

is James someone else or are you referring to yourself in third person?
Dear God, are you for real? James is someone that if I not found him when i did, i may had never been looking at this SPS tank, "EVER". What a weird thing to say :eek:

People like gotfish and vvizz4rcl, stop making your post count higher on nonsense responses as your post here add nothing to what I been waiting a long time now as it was in getting this tank started, if you both are looking for booking on comedy central, why don't you both go there and audition in person. Please don't do this again, either of you!!
Dear God, are you for real? James is someone that if I not found him when i did, i may had never been looking at this SPS tank, "EVER". What a weird thing to say :eek:

Actually I was being serious. There was no mention of who James was in relation to you. Most people when posting someones name will say this is my friend, brother, coworker, etc. You posted as if we all knew who James was. In that manner, I figured maybe it was you.

Wasn't trying to rain on your parade or anything. I was just trying to explain what the er ?!?!??! posting was about or what I assumed it was about cause I was thinking the same thing.

All the success on your new project.
Hey Buddy,
My apologies for being such a smart ass. I get the idea of what you have going and wish you the best of luck. Post some pics of your setup if you can. Sounds like it's going to be a huge system of tanks.
Who is James? Its not I, that be for sure. James full names is James Mirgoli who business is called, HydroConcepts His Internet link

I came about James by chance when I gone into another LFS and they later told me about James.

I feel that if I not ran into this person, i wouldn't even be this close as im about to see a finally beginning of this tank, but like I said, it will not look all as it was supposed to be under the tank, but it will be more then able to maintain the tanks live stock, for if you seen what was it before, you would know to not go to the LFS of fish world, 2205 Westinghouse Blvd, Raleigh, NC

Ever sense this been understood that Jeff Voet giving me nothing of what I paid him for and even after more then 3.5 years waiting for him to do the tanks, that I soon afterwards had to call it quits with him, I told him the following line, that even if I have to wait another two years, at lease the tanks will be done right.

I not know if I said this, but the main return pump he put on my my 240 gal SPS tank, was a Rio in which pumps only 900 gph and im now to have two main return pumps in which pumps 1900 gph each. It is terrible however when you become either too old or disabled to setup your own tanks as you would like, you need others to do this for you, and pray that you get the right person for the job, or you got crap under your tank, I mean Jeff didnt even put in the piping well enough, it shakes if any vibration and he as well put on this 240, a 1/4 HP chiller, and it needs a 1/2 HP chiller.

Please, i need to be allowed to warn others who would become a victim to this person, as well, following afterwards while trying to find another who might do my tanks for me, I learned of so many others who were victims as well, but im sure at least they not lost the kind of money that I lost, and they had others as well to help rebuild their tanks so that they may look like something.

I was told a story yesterday while at this lfs called salty waters, they build in a persons tank, and he had well enough live stock, but he went to fish world with $3,000 and brought himself a load of fish, they all died.

James and I have a deal that he will tell me exactly what he will do and what equipment he will use for it, before he does the job. It was his idea to have a secondary sump with a skimmer, but his idea was to pump water with a pump going over the tops of both tank sumps. I told him that this idea will fail, that the best idea here on how to make both tank sumps work as one, is to drill their facing sides and to put in PVC. Its like I said, I know what I want, but I cannot do this myself so i need to find others that are suppose to know how and what to use, but this isn't always the case. :(
