You all should be even more PO'd when I tell you this (at least WA residents). You know that you are supposed to only be able to get insurance if you actually have a drivers license. In WA people can get their licenses suspended for a variety of reasons, ie fail to pay a ticket, DUI, fail to pay child support, financial responsibilityec ect ect. A person caught driving suspended can be arrested and their car impounded. And guess what? there are tons of theses people out there and we hunt them down all the time. They don't/can't have insurance either.....Ok anyway, a couple months ago our (WA) illustrious superior court decided that people with suspended drivers licenses can no longer be arrested, at least for 3rd and 2nd degree. So now when we find them all we can do is "encourage" them not to drive...This only makes it worse for the rest of the motoring public, because the SC took away our teeth to help you all out.....just my rant