my salt is as stiff as a board

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Jun 17, 2007
around there really
my salt is hard will it still work. I bought

some old salt off off this guy for a great price but its one big chunk of rock is that ok

Will it be alright

My thoughts are yes
thanks I was just making sure

I noticed one of the bags Is open so I'm gonna look at the salt real good before I use it

Hopefully its good

I'm sure it is
Salt sure is cheap... isn't peace of mind worth a few bucks to you?

I remember a local club member sharing that he used tap water and salt for his first salt mix. After learning why that was a horrible idea, he was wishing he hadn't done that. He started asking about carbon, Phosban, etc. to correct the problem. The answer ended up being "We're talking about $10 in salt. Throw it out, start over" which made a lot more sense.

This hobby's way too expensive to let $10 stop you from being SURE you're doing the right thing. While the salt may be fine, you're certainly not going to see anything wrong with a visual inspection if anything IS wrong. And, salt, like RO/DI water, has a way of absorbing stuff around it.

Just my two cents.
yeah Sherman you are right

I guess piece of mind is a better thing tonworry about but I just didnt wanna throw away perfectly good salt ya know

I dont see an experasion date on the stuff but if it is bad I surely dont wanna use it. I was just really wondering if any one knew FOR SURE. What the proper procedure for this would be

But yes you are very right Sherman and I really appreciate your comment
I've personally spoken with a chemist for a very well known brand of salt. The answer is, it may be fine or it may not be fine.

However, it's always a good idea to test water parameters BEFORE a waterchange and not afterwards. So mix it up, do your tests, and then you'll know.
...So mix it up, do your tests, and then you'll know.

Not necessarily... you'll only know regarding whatever it is you're testing for. If it absorbed who-knows-what from wherever it was sitting, you aren't going to see it show up in any normal tests if it isn't something we test for.

Agree with Sherman... it's just not worth it.
can salt absorb bad things while its still in the bag????

Its shipped like that and I would think at the lab they would Put it in a bag or container that would not allow harsh chemicals to get in

The bags were just under his aquarium and real old but I do still agree better safe than sorry, but I can't see anything bad being in the salt

Its just old I think

If anyone knows FOR FACT that the salt is bad please holla back at me. It was just under his tank not like it was out in a garage or bath room or even worse a kitchen sink

Please dont think I'm not listening to you guys no matter what you say just realise that I'm on a tight budget and I pinch every penny.

Thanks guys

If I knew the salt was bad for sure I'd toss it though
I noticed one of the bags Is open so I'm gonna look at the salt real good before I use it...

My comment was only because of your comment... I thought the bag was open. That's why I'm saying who knows what's in it.

No one is going to be able to tell you whether they know FOR FACT that the bag is bad. Just as no one is going to be able to tell you FOR FACT that it's good. Guess you're the one that has to roll the dice.
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eah one of the bags was opened but it was doulbled over like so nothing could get in it and it was also a newer bag of salt

But tea I did say one of the bags were opened. I used one of the bags of salt and it really dosent mix that well its like the particals in it are huge ya know

all seems to be good though

Thanks for all the comments and help and ill keep every one posted

thanks again.