My Spotted Rabbitfish Jumps out of the tank!!! Will he Make It?? Well see!?

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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2007
Ive had an open top on my tank for over 2 years. And ive never had a fish jump until tonight. I was messing with the tank installing an Ato. When i was finished i left the room and went and watched a movie. About 2 hrs later after the lights had gone out i went back into the room and it was dark. I Grabbed my Led flashlight and turned it on just to check out the stuff that comes out at night.
I felt my cat come into the room and rub against my leg and i just happened to look down at the cat with the flashlight and seen something that he was interested in. I shined the light down and theres my 3" Spotted Rabbitfish still breathing. So i went to just grab him then it dawned on me that hes Venemous so i had to Grab a towel and pick him up. I put him in the tank and he swam away and ive checked on him a few times and hes still breathing and swimming but i dont think hes out of the woods. Hes breathing a little faster than normal. So well have to see whats up in the Morning. I hope he makes it he likes to munch on my algae that wont go away.

Theres always a New Twist in Reefing!

Anyone have a Jumper that made it? If he Makes im gonna have to buy some more sweet corals to go in the tank with him as a reward!
I have a crazy jumper story. My wife calls me one day at work in a panic telling me how our female clown is on the wood floor and looks dried out, not breathing. I had her put the fish in a net and told her to swish the net back and forth to get water flowing through the gills. I kid you not, it worked. I then had my wife place the clown in a plastic container in the tank with an airstone. The clown lost all the black edging on her fins because they had dried out enough to stick to the wood floor. This happend about 2 years ago and today that fish is fat and happier than ever.
If the fish jumps again and you have to pick it up, wet a few paper towels in the tank and use those to pick up the fish. If it's a fish you can pick up with your bare hands just dip them in the tank to wet them. It's gentler on their slime coat.

I have another type of jumper. He is constantly jumping and jumping and jumping at the glass, trying to get over the edge....
wow thats crazy scott any update on the fish? I had a firefish jump out of my tank but luckily it happened when I was home and I heard the thud as he hit the floor and I was able to grab him. Luckily i got to him before my 70 +lbs Pitbull found it. :eek:
Well hes made it! Hes swimming around and eating which is a very good sign. Im thinking he learned his lesson but who knows. Ive made the same mistake twice a few times. I agree with wetting ma towel but when it happens you kind of just do whatever to get him back in the water ASAP. Ill try the wet towel/napkin with the next Jumper.
I'm glad to hear your fish is doing well. I had a green tree frog that managed to escape what I THOUGHT was an enclosed terrarium. One day I saw my dog chewing on the dried tree frog :lol:
i had a mandarin jump the overflow, took a couple days to find him and he was really skinny after that... he eventually died, i think he choked on a big piece of mysis cause he was trying to cough it out but couldn't.. sad day