My tank went nuts with bubbles last night!

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Active member
May 9, 2005
New Mexico
When I got home from work yesterday the tank looked good. About 1 hr later I noticed that I had air bubbles all over the place in the tank. I opened the door to look in the sump and the top of the sump was full of foam. You know how the skimmer acts when you feed fish mush? Well it looked like that only magnified by 10X.

I've got an auto top off system ran with a kalk reactor, so level fluctuation was not the cause. Nothing chemical wise was put in the tank other than possibly a little kalk through the auto top off possibly (but not sure if the auto top off dosed any kalk or not). I had not fed the tank yet.

The tank continued to act this way until the lights went off 3.5 hrs later. Then when the lights went off, it looked like it started to settle down. This morning everything looked pretty normal, except the skimmer was still pullin so much that the collection cup was just clear water with a foam head on it. The micro bubbles were gone though.

Anyone got any ideas on what might have happened? Did I have some major chemical warefare between corals? What do you guys think caused this?
I was going to ask the same thing Reed did. This happened in my tank when I added a new filter sock without washing off the sizing first. The skimmer cup nearly shot off the unit the foam went so fast.
Nope, no new filter sock. In fact no changes to the tank at all (that I know of). The only thing I did was walk by it. :confused: