My tanks and my pics

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Jun 17, 2007
around there really
ok i just got a naso tang and a pacific blue tang to go in my 125 gallon tank and they are so cool, at first my blue tang was sooo shy but now he is always out swimming and even comes up to ME when i approach the tank!!!

in my 75 gallon reef tank i have what im not sure but i think are true percs can any one tell if they are true or false percs

they have orange rings around the eye and they look to be true percs to me i thought true percs only carried that trate




a few pics of my other fish and tanks also





thanks yeah they almost look like the clown thats in the pic on the bottom of your posts

but my other clows never acted like these 1s do and there bold black marks pertruding from the white stripes are alot bolder

i think they look more true than false

cant really get a good pic though!!!
they look like they are still in a juvi stage. if the black lines around the white stay pencil thin they are false. (occelaris) if the black band widens they are true (percula).

true percula notice the thick black bars

notice the orange ring around the eyes

looking for good pics of my occelaris ill get back to you on that or I will take new pics. There is also something about the dorsel fin have one extra spine. cant remember right now what one has the extra. also the orange eye on true perculas.
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sebae alittle more tempermental. if percs a ritteri would work but tough to keep alive if you dont know what you are doing. spend the money for a rose bulb. they multiply pretty good, easy to take care of, and a great choice for your clowns (percs or ocellaris)
hey thanks man thats done great inside

I'll be getting a rbta here in a few months as my tank matures

Thanks for the advice guys. I can't wait to get that rbta
Got two skimmers on that bad boy! I like the rock work & these fish look much better man, now time for some corals in the reef tank!:cool:
thanks that means alot to me guystea

yeah I need some corals asap

I'm scard cause it looks like that blue tang in my 125 is getting spots on him but it looks more like fungus than ick. I'm feeding selcin and treating the food with garlic but not at the same feeding. He's very healthy and a very good swimmer

I'm wanting to get a cleaner shrimp but I herd dory dont like the car wash. Lol

I hope I dont get a break out though cause my salinity level in my qt is like 1.009 and he can't be transfered to a tank that low in salinity
I have seen ocellaris with more defined black like yours pictured, but I've also seen some true percs with less black than usual. I've heard of some research being done to see if these "darker ocellaris" are actually a hybrid. anyways the true difference is in the dorsal spines ocellaris have 11 while percs usually have 10 (sometimes 9)
by the way tanks look sharp
i have seen Paracanthurus hepatus trying to be cleaned by glass shrimp lol i dont think it should be a problem plus redline in your tank is always a plus
the qt tank i have looked after have a salinty of 1.022 to 1.025 wich is fairly normal range maybe u should just try fresh water dips by using 3liters ro water and 1liter of ur tank water leave the fish for about 6 minutes other wise use some dosing treatments if ur really worried about disese u could keep ur qt a levels almost exact the same as ur main display so that way the will stay faily happy u can make sure their feeding and treat them for anything they might have
wow this one got away from me!!

What is redline Morgan

thanks for the compliments young jet-I LOL it ended up my blue hippo tang did have ick but I put in a uv steri and it just disappeared but yeah I know its still there. It just bought me some time though

My other tang in qt won't eat nothing he'll look at the food and swim off or either suck it in his mouth and spit it right back out. I don't see how he's not dead???