My Water Disaster

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2004
Since this forum is "The Water Fountain", I thought it would be quite appropriate to post/share my disaster here. In my desparate attempt to get along with water, I managed to flood my house. I just got over being in the dog house for flooding 25 feet of duct work, then I had the accident a few days after that where I set up my 5 gallon top-off/dosing jug, and the bulkhead popped off, spraying me and the floor with water. Here's the latest: we were leaving to go out of town on Thursday, and I was getting a few of my things together in the master bathroom. Well, the cats (2 of them) like to drink out of the sink, so I put the faucet on a slow trickle. I then decided to pull the drain plunger up to fill the sink a little bit and serve as an extra water bowl. I went, did something else, and forgot about the water. WELL....unfortunately for me, my sinks don't have the little overflow hole, wouldn't you know it! Damn! I had asked Katrina/Hooked to come over to check on the tank (fearing a flood from the tank), so she stopped by on Friday - thankfully. Woah! Ceilings leaking all over the place....good thing I left towels out by the tank. I'm so glad that she came over....things could have been a lot worse. Half of the cabinets in my bathroom are ruined (double vanity) .....the carpet, pad, and subfloor for ~6 feet long X the width of the master bedroom are ruined. The entire ceiling of the living room is damaged (room below the bathroom), a portion of the ceiling in the family room is damaged, carpet, pad, and subfloors in both the living and family rooms. GAAAAA! It fortunately, did not make its way into the basement. Thank goodness for we just have to wait for the adjuster. It was a long day yesterday, and I can now start to joke about it.

Here is a pic of the subfloors in the living room. The room is about 10 or 12 feet wide, so you can see how much water made its way downstairs. We had to remove the french doors, in order to roll the carpet back. The water winds around both corners, and spreads in further. The good news is, my tank didn't flood or have issues....the even better news is, my cats were NOT dehydrated when we arrived home!!!

Thank you Katrina! I owe you big time!!

Maybe I'm like oil, and I don't mix well with water :rolleyes:
Wow Nikki Glad it got caught before it got any worse... I have flooded my apartment several times... It seems like everytime I deal with water Either filling my topoff or My water change bulket I always forget about the water running since the Ro is soo slow that I forget its filling and come back hours later to several gallons on the floor... My wife is beginning to hate it alot... The only thing that keeps running thru my mind is hopefully by the time I buy a house all these water spills are out of my system...

Glad it wasnt any worse... Looks bad as it is but I know it could have been worse..

Sorry that happened to you Nikki. Your lucky it wasnt any worse. Imagine if it had been your tank. It happens. On the subject of blunders here is a good one. When I first got out of the navy I though I wanted to work on big trucks. I went to a place that hauled gas and deisel in tankers. I told them I could work on the trucks. (I had no clue I am just cocky) Sooooo. One night I am there by myself and a driver brings in his truck and says the brakes need adjusted. You are supposed to push the air valve in the truck for the trailer and then adjust the brakes to 1/4 turn of the adjuster from the pads touching. I did it with the brakes on. Sooo. He drives off, loads the tanker with unleaded gasoline and proceeds to drive off towards a stoplight, he hits the brakes and nothing happens, he goes barreling through a red light at 50 mph. Luckly there were no cars are people and he was able to bring it back to the shop and climb up my butt for being stupid. I never did that again. So your not alone in doing dumb stuff, and at least yours couldn't of killed anyone. Steve
James - I'm not sure if the spills will ever be out of my system. I have a feeling I'm a klutz in that regard LOL.

Steve, how true! Definately could have been worse. Some of me wishes it had been the tank because it would have been one room, and gone to the basement. Instead we have 2 floors/levels to repair.

Curt - Thanks for your support through all the non-sense :)
I hope the insurance is coming through for you Nikki ... once it does, then it is just a lot of work to get it all back to the way it used to be :) Some inconveniences in time and hard work, then all good again :) (and a new house again after ... a bright side to it all ... )

Let us know how it all goes.
Well Nikki I feel your pain,
I have never floode through the floor but just he other day I was refilling up my gravity fed top off bucket from my RO unit in the downstairs basement. The 5 gal bucket i use for this takes some time to fill so I left it and went off doing some other housework. I ended up coming back own about 2 hours later to find about an inch of water across the floor. Took alot of towels to clean that up but at least I got itdone before the wife got home.
Erik :D :D
Come on Nikki, we know you just wanted some new carpet! Seriously- Im orry it happened but at least it wasnt several thousand dollars in livestock as well.
Nikki 9 or 10 more times and you can sit next to me on the throne.....not that ind f throne, but you know!!!!

Thanks guys! LOL, Maui & John (I can't comment for fear of insurance company reading my posts ;) ). Mike - ROFL!!!!
It did interfere - a bit. The other half stayed home to clean up the mess, and I went to spend time with the family for several days. He had to leave for a business trip, and didn't want to leave the house in the state it was in. The cleanup/repair actually is great. We replaced the ruined pad with new, and the carpet itself doesn't have any stains, but I still am going to get them cleaned. The carpet is also already back in place, so no taking the tank down! Horray! The drywall on the ceiling is going to be replaced, and some of the drywall on the walls will be, too. Once everything dried out the damage wasn't so bad. Even still, the inconvenience and cost incurred is frustrating this time of year. Oh could have been much worse. The water damage could have included a boat sitting in my living room, like some of the homes I saw in Pensecola (due to the Hurricane).