My Yellow Tang

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2006
Southern Ca.
Is getting really big and he eats/grazes on macro algae ALL DAY LONG!

I think he is going to be too big for my 55 gal. tank really soon. I never thought that a yellow tang would be too large for my tank.

I only have 50 lbs. of live rock so there is quite a bit of swimming room.
Well anyway, Happy New Year! :)
mine have always been algae pigs!! i have one that is pretty large right now..they can get huge!!!! the size of the tank can actually affect their growth..
ok, h e is an algae pig.

For all the tangs who found homes over Christmas. Put a little Cheato in, if they are starving they will eat.
But ya know that green mysis frozen shrimp is ok too!

Debbie the Blue Devil Damsel.
i always had yellow tangs in my tank. they are good teachers for finiky eaters,since they eat like pigs . mine grazes all day. it is a good idea to hang a big chunk of green seaweed in your tank everyday. i also feed spirulina flakes too. good luck. jakleen
that's good that he's a pig :), but i think pretty soon you're gonna need to go bigger :D ... may be a 100 gal tank would be good for your tang .... you don't want the tang police knocking at your door doodette :lol: .
My yellow tang grazed but not as much as I expected...definatly had to put in a nori strip for it......I had it for a couple years but sadly it died the other day for no apparent lateral line, he was not skinny, and wasn't under stress, so I dont know what happened. I'm waiting on the autopsy results ..... :( I'm not going to get another until I have my 180 up and running