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Found yet another hitchhiker on our new piece of rock (4th one found 3 days after purchase). Not so sure what this guy is, though. He's a small crab that likes to hide inside the rock during the day and come out at night (caught him last night when I turned the moonlight on to check for nudibranches and he was on top of the new zoanthid rock. He looks to be white with red spots on him. Every picture I've seen of this type of crab suggests he's a porcelain, but I thought porcelain's ate using their fan-type claws, not digging at stuff on the rock. I'd post a picture, but he's really fast to hide once that light comes on. I've heard and read that most crabs (other than hermit and maybe emerald) are generally not a good idea in the tank because they will eat corals and zoanthids, etc. If this is the case, should I try to get this guy out of the tank? I have a puffer that would find him to be a delicious snack, I'm sure. Any and all advice/information would be appreciated!