Nano Help

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Jun 16, 2004
Bremerton, WA
Hi all,

I have just setup a little Nano tank (5 gallon). I put in it about 6lb of fully curred Live Rock, it has one of those little 10Watt PC type lights, an AquaClear 20 hang on filter (probably an overkill for a 5gallon tank), and a little 25 watt heater.

To the tank, I have added 3 small snails of some variety (not sure exactly what they are, but they are only about 1/4" in size), a small hermit crab, as well as 3 different mushrooms.

I'm thinking of adding both a Skunk Cleaner shrimp, as well as a yellow watchman goby.

Hopefully, someone can help me with knowing if adding what I'm planning is an overkill for only a 5gallon tank??? Also, what type of maintenance schedule should I keep with on this?

I will be putting this on my desk at work. I figure that if I do a 1 gallon water change weekly (that is about 25% of the water volum now, after adding the live rock), and monitor evaporation daily... things should be okay???

Any helpful information would greatly be appreciated! When I get the possibility of a camera at work, a picture will follow.
Hey sounds like a great setup to me. Although, I would probably not add the skunk cleaner shrimp. But go with a Peppermint shrimp. They are a bit smaller and in a tank that size you may see him more often that just at night. scavenging for food.
Thanks for the response Ron!

I just know there are conciderations that need to be dealt with, having a piece of the ocean this small... and never having a Nano before, I was hoping to catch up a few hints about maintenance that I may not be thinking of.

Now, if only I can stop staring at the tank, and actually get some work accomplished... *grinz*
I would recommend against the watchman goby. You'll run into trouble with polution issues as it becomes fully grown. That is also a very, very small space for a fish that grows to three inches. Consider a clown goby. They are perchers instead of swimmers, and stay very small. Also, three or five sexy shrimp are just stunning in a nano.

You may find that you want to do a larger water change, since you won't be skimming. Be sure to keep up on those water topoffs, too. We run into big salinity swings with evaporation in such small tanks.

Sounds like you're off to a great start, and I wish you luck!
I would be wary on the species of fish you've chosen for this sized tank. They are not the greatest additions even with larger tanks. That said, I in fact would leave off the fish altogether for this sized tank. Easier on you in the long run.

I would also suggest nixing the hermit. No matter the tank they are not really the greatest additions. RE: the shrimp, I agree the skunk cleaner is a little l;arge but I also find the pepps a little on the mischievious side. My preference would be Thor amboinensis. You can have a few, they are quite entertaining and about the least worrisome of the bunch.

One type of light I found works decent on this sized tank is the 2x9 w PC's. The only caution is make sure the rock is not stacked high or it will create alot of dead lit area's. Otherwise it works rather well for med light corals.

Be sure you do regular weekly water changes and try topping off 2x a day instead of once. Easier on the inhabitants and the fluctuations smaller. I also find a polyfilter is a decent substitute for a skimmer along with carbon.

Thanks Steve, for your input!

I do have the carbon in this AquaClear 20 hang on back filter that I'm using for recirc/filtration. I say "filtration" mainly because yes, it does have the carbon in there. I've removed the little filter block thangys it came with, figuring that the Live Rock was my filter.

I will admit, I've had quite a few people having to stop by my desk... a few more times than normal today. *grin* Who knows... I may help generate a new crowd of "Addicts"! hehehe
LakeEd said:
I've removed the little filter block thangys it came with, figuring that the Live Rock was my filter.
If you can find them, use the space of the filter block with a polyfilter. They are excellent at helping to export organics. LR will help process which is good but these puppies will actually remove impurities/proteins. You can easily cut it to shape so a 2" strip will last a week or two. One of those pads should last about 4ish months in a tank your size, mabye a bit longer.

They look like <<this>>
