nano notes

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Dec 26, 2003
Galactic Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
hi peeps!

i just wanted to post some of the diagrams and pics that would have been in the nano presentation i gave last month for the p.s.a.s.

these three plumbing diagrams were made by "tigahboy" on the nano sites,
he dose awesome work and has some of the best looking nano's you'll ever see, i have the pics to prove it:) (coming in next post)

i also just wanted to add to my statements about having clown/anemone symbiosis in a nano tank, you must be very careful what anemones you put in a nano, it is probably best to avoid all but bubble tip anemones in tanks 20g. and less, which is fine because most people want a rose bubble tip for their clown. so no carpet anemones in your nano....o.k.?? no ritteri, or l.t.'s either!!:)
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Hey...That's really nice! Very informative charts which I'm sure will help a lot of people out. Thanks for sharing...
here's some of his great plumbing in action:
here he's using a smaller tank behind the larger display nano as a sump with a closed loop and urchin skimmer he did this tank for "rbaby"
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and here's the final product, this is a different system that is plumbed into a regular sump that houses a euroreef skimmer. gotta love the rockwork and choice of coals. these tanks are a great example of the awesome stuff you can do with a smaller tank:) tigahboy is definately an inspiration!!
here's some of my own plumbing, i definately need to brush up on my rockwork:) granted this tank was from last year, i've learned lots scince then:oops:
i was experimenting with making a manifold underneath an eggcrate top for the rock work to sit on, but scince it was so small in the 10g i was using, i opted for a spraybar instead, also there's about half an inch of substrate in here that i took out after a few days, the spraybar just blasted it around, and besides, kinda counter productive in a small sps frag grow out with high flow:)
a project my brother in law is working on is having a very high flow manifold underneath some black eggcrate all along the bottom and then cutting his live rock in half and covering the whole bottom with rock. he also used acrylic rods to attach large "treetop" branchy pieces to rocks cut in half for a stable base, so far it looks awesome, i will get him to take pics when it's done.