nano tank problems :(

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2007
I got a tank as a present, an eclipse 12 gallon. The tank come with a canopy that well only hold a 14 watt florescent.

The hood itself is not able to mod, so I am building a custom canopy for my fish tank with lots of room for light. I am adding fans and it will stay cool no matter what I put in there. …

The problem

I don’t know what kind of light I should be putting in to my tank. This is my first tank and I would like to have something that is both cheap and affective. I’m not looking to feed 210 gallons worth of water here, I have a 12 gallon so I don’t think I would need to much light. I have been pushing around a few ideas, I want about 60watts of light. I have been thinking about getting 3 compact fluorescents.

This would be around 50$ after tax.

I’m wondering if there is a way that I would get more watts and better light for the same or lower price. I have about 21 inches length and 8 inches width .

Or would this be enough and the best I could do with this setup?
Well welcome, and your on the right path...

these guys are super cool and smart like a mofo.

but the only thing i see wrong is... Cheap and affective.... IMO those are just 2 words that dont go together..

like safe and cheap.

12 gallon's is nice... i have a 30 with a 10 gal sump and 2 five and half gallon tanks..

Ive got a fan blowing air to the 5.5 reef 24/7 this summer so far.
the other 5.5 is my qt
ive bin messing with it...
it was 82 when i came home today :-(

the 5.5 reef has a 70watt current Hqi fixture on top... Im able to keep what ever i want pretty much.

I would think that a 70 or 150 watt would do you the "what ever i want feild"

i regret not geting a Hqi setup for my 30.... cause now i cant keep some corals that i would like to keep.


that being said, what are you planing on keeping? what else are you looking at besides lights?

any thoughts to heating/ Tempture water movement? substrate,

how much life rock?

what i really would do i could do it ageain. is i would have ither drilled my 5.5 and added a sump... or found/build a overflow...

a sump on a tank that small will do wounders...

good luck

remember ask lots of questions, compair and dont rush... the ocean isnt going anywhere just yet.
oh thos lights... are gonna waste more power, and make more heat then its gonna be worth...

algae makeing farm right there....
whats the dimentions on your tank?
that will get you in the door
that will get you off the ground.
that will get you in 2 space.

maybe a little DIY hood action...

handy with the wood work?
well i look at those price tags and chock on myself a little....

well to answer some of your questions.

I have the eclipse 12 gallon tank tank :) with a filter that is in the inside of the tank "slightly bothersome"

i am running a protein skimmer as for flow i don’t really have anything else going for it. i was looking into making a sump but thought it would be rather unnecessary for a 12 gallon tank. i do have a 5 gallon tank i could use for that purpose but why....

I have 10 pounds of live rock in the tank, 2 cleaner snails and 5 blue toed hermits "might be to many hermits"

there is one mushroom anomie that is still living and i will be acquiring some free soft corals by this Friday.

The temperature in my tank is staying at a very calm 78 degree's. never wavers.

As for water flow.... hmm not much going on other then the flow from the filter dumping in and then sucking it back up.

all i plan on having in this tank is a few soft corals, the clean up crew i currently have, and maybe a clown fish or goby, and one shrimp.

would i need to get that light to supply support for this?

plus is this cost beneficial, how many days till i would have to change the lights and how much would they cost?
You'll want some better lights than the ones you're looking at. Those might work but Skimmerwhisper pointed you some better lights that are still pretty cheap.

I see you said you're getting some softies for free on Friday. I have to ask how long as the tank been setup and has it completely cycled yet? What kind of softies? You mentioned as skimmer so your getting off on the right foot. You might want to throw in a Maxi-jet or some sort of power head for some extra flow. As for a sump, with any tank the more water volume you have the better but you can do without it. Save the 5g and setup a small QT tank.

But for the lighting, I'd say spend some extra money and get some good lighting now. It'll save you some money in the long run. Take a look at some other nano tanks out there and look at the lighting that comes with them and try to duplicate.

You also mention bulb life as a concern. I'd say with most florescent lights 6 months and with a metal halide lighting 1 year. The fluorescents being the cheapest to replace.

On a side note. Doesn't the eclipse come with that bio-wheel filter? Take that thing out as it will be come a nitrate producing nightmare.
alright that confirms it, everyone tells me to take the bio wheel out. anything i should use to replace it? or just let it flow through that section?

I'm pretty sure my tank is done cycling, (some people tell me it might take 6 months) :( I'm about 2 months in. ill check by getting my water tested but yeah seems everything that i have in there currently is living pretty well and i have low levels of algae after the algae stage. i am doing water changes weekly.

I am getting some frog spawn*I think* and some feather dusters.

i have been looking at getting a t-5 florescent fixture that has 2 39watt 12000k bulbs to them. I think that would be more then enough they seem to be going for around 40-50 ebay/criags list. i don't mind buying used. replaying bulbs is a lot cheaper then buying them new.

thats a good suggestion about looking at other nano tanks setups. ill do that today as well. i feel rushed because if i get the corals on friday i would need to have at lest the lights to keep them living. the only reason it wont work past friday is im quiting my job and the lady has the corals there.
Yep. take the Bio-wheel out and don't replace with anything. Just let the water run through it.

As for cycling? If you're 2 months in I would think it should have cycled by now, But what are your current water params, Ammonia, NO2, NO3? Keep up the with the water changes it's probably one of the best things you can do for your tank.

I'd be a little cautious right now adding light requiring corals until you get your lighting figured out. The feather dusters should be fine, but the coral I would be concerned about. There's nothing wrong with buying used as long as it works. Take a look in the for sale section up here on RF. There might be something in there you can use also.

If the corals cannot wait maybe find someone to host them for you while you getting things figured out. There's a bunch of us up here that are local and probably more than willing to hold on the the corals until you all the stuff you need. I have 29g tank in the garage right now with a 175W MH that has some corals in that I'm just holding on to until I decide to do something with them. I'd be more than willing to let you put them in there for a while if you need.
Hydor Koralia powerheads

Is anyone using these powerheads? Are they good? Do they work as well as a Seio?
Is anyone using these powerheads? Are they good? Do they work as well as a Seio?

Kind of hi-jacking, but yes, I have one and like it. I have the Koralia 4 and Seio 820. I would say they're comparable to the Seio. Both seem to be very good power heads. I think the Koralia is a little nicer in the fact it comes with a magnetic holders. I hate those damn suction cup things.
yeah i posted asking to buy from anyone on there and i have already found someone selling what i would be needing but he lives really far away so it might be a little harder then expected. as for power heads where do you place those in your tank i have a rather small tank so wouldn't it just be blowing the hell out of my stuff?

if i dont get the lighting figured out in time ill just left her hold them for a bit untill i can come get them. ill have to hassle with a visitors pass and all the oh hey i thought you quite but ok.

Thanks for the offer james.

i might go check out the fish store today and just see what they might have for lighting as well. but im hoping to get something used. i hate mark up prices :(
i wouldnt buy from a Lfs store.... lights... also so marked up... But its always nice to see some lighting in action... gives you thoughts for ideas....

at least thats how its working for me... not to hi-jack but some its Im looking more at pluming and setup.... besides live stock....

i would get 2 Koralia's they will do you justice.. you want to try to get alternate flow.

the bio balls outta there!
free flowing is the key.... and look out for surface scum..... keep that water airated
oh... so side note.. i came home today to see that one of my hermit crabs.. *my favored one" died :| no cause as of yet but i suspect foul play. i also might have to many of them... who knows.

what would kill a hermit?
over population could be a problem and also not having bigger shells to move in to
I agree with Morgan. Over population, lack of bigger shells to move into and just plan crab fighting going on sometimes.