Nano Water Changer

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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May 27, 2014
Alright, so I just started my first reef tank in a BC14, and am looking for a way to simplify my water changes. Currently, I drain water into a 5 gal bucket, then dump that. Mix up new water, and awkwardly/gently pour it back into the tank.

So here are my possible solutions:

A five gallon bucket, then place a bulkhead in the lid with a PVC pipe that reaches the bottom. Then, using an airpump and airline I would pressurize bucket, (hopefully) pushing water up the pipe and through a hose into the tank.

A five gallon bucket with a bulkhead in the lid. I would place an airline into the PVC standpipe this time, and water would be pushed into the tank, similar to how a sponge filter or undergravel filter lifter works.

Thoughts, suggestions, input? I know that I can just purchase a pump to pump water out of the bucket, but I already have the airpump, and would like to save a little cash.

Here is what I would do.
On a 14 gallon tank, I would change out 3-4 gallons every 2 weeks.
You will need 2 power heads and two buckets and a gravel vac hose, and a small heater, dedicated for just this operation.
One of the power heads you need to attach a 4'-5' length of hose with a utube attachment on the other end.
The other powerhead is a dedicated mixing pump.
The day before you do a water change, make/get some ro/di water. Mix the appropriate amount of salt and water in one bucket, add the heater and one of the powerheads and let it mix overnight.
The next day using the gravel vac hose suck out the same amount of water from the tank that you already have mixed up.
Then use the powerhead with the hose with attached ( with u-tube) to pump the water from the bucket ( unplug the heater and other powerhead before ) into the tank.
Lifting buckets is a pain and usually messy.
I don't think you could find a aquarium use air pump big enough to pressurize a 5 gallon bucket enough to put 5 gallons of water from a bucket to the tank.
Thoughts, suggestions, input? I know that I can just purchase a pump to pump water out of the bucket, but I already have the airpump, and would like to save a little cash.


There is a never ending list of things you can buy that make the hobby easier, but there are a few things that I consider, " a must have".
Thanks for your input guys. I think I have an old pond pump squirrelled away somewhere, I can probably rig something together from that

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