Need a little advice.

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Yeah, I got the ACIII because I love gadgets and I'm an IT guy, so the idea of being able to check my tank from any device with internet access is attractive. However, the combination of not knowing any better and putting too much faith into the accuracy of my probe was about to turn out really bad...

So how often should I calibrate the probe? once a month?

Alot depends on wether or not you run high ca. I'd say once a month is fine but I still would not trust the reading unless I just did it the same day.

Just an update (Thanks again for the help):

After learning the value of calibrating my testing devices I am not battling a low PH problem. We started to turn off ceiling fans during the day to conserve energy and I started to notice a drop in PH. I'm guessing that lack of air movement is affecting the O2 and CO2 levels in my water can causing the PH to drop. So, I ran Air lines for my skimmer and Overflow intake to outside. It seems that the problem is getting better, PH was up to 8.0 this morning from 7.7 two days ago.