Need Buttons? Need Toadstools?

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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2008
Redmond, WA
I have way too many and I am willing to give them to a good home; if you have something small in trade I would gladly accept that but not required. I don't have any closeup pics but you can see them in my tank pics here:

The button collections are nearly 12" x 5", a smaller one 4 x 5 and another slightly smaller. I have 6 toadstools ranging from salad plate so serial bowl.

Please email me if interested.
The "Status Gadget" is a Vista gadget that can talk to a Neptune AC3 or AC3 Pro and display tank status in the Vista Sidebar (see the image on the website). It also keeps a log of readings both value and state.
so no go on an earlier platform? I have seen some pretty wicked stuff and just have not gotten it through my brain on how to do it. I have an ACIII Pro and I would love to have the stats on my web site and/or be able to tap in from a remote location.
Just want to say a couple of nice words for Ken! He is a great and generous guy and has a beautfiul set up! (I still owe him the lid to a bucket :)
the buttons have been fully opened all day until feeding then some of em get lucky and close with a little brine shrimp flake in em. the 2 mushies are also fully out and seem to be doing well. not sure how to really measure the xenia but it is waving around like it is supposed to so i think thats good! and then you also gave me a little green somethin and that seems to be doing well also. really fun to watch this stuff :)
Glad to hear the new family members are doing well!

For others; I have 1 more huge cluster of green buttons (about 50-75 heads) and 2 more toad stools (need to keep at least 1 for my clown).
Wondering if you still had green buttons still?

Kengro, PM sent

Glad to hear the new family members are doing well!

For others; I have 1 more huge cluster of green buttons (about 50-75 heads) and 2 more toad stools (need to keep at least 1 for my clown).
Mucho Gracias Amigo!!!

I'm not Spanish nor do I speak it but that's what comes to mind due to my happiness today after visiting you!

Say Ken, just wanted to send you a BIG thanks for the awesome reef life you gave to us today. The polyps are doing well and the mushroom is doing fine. Had to rearrange a bit but the new rock formation looks great!!!

I think it'll be tomorrow before the toadstood decides it's really ok to be seen, it's a safe and friendly place for him. Both cleaner shrimp really liked checking out the new stuff!

Your reef setup is quite amazing and was really a treat to see. Your fish selection was great as well & I really enjoyed your snowflake meandering through the live rock. Really a great setup.

My email is artguy1_at_comcast_dot_net if you ever need to get in touch with me. I owe you a big one and will share with other people this gift you have given my family to watch grow. THANKS BUNCHES.
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Just an update Kenargo, the toadstool has really acclimated well!!! I have a few small Lemon Drop Gobies that just love to hang out in it. Everything else is doing great as well.

If anyone out there was wondering, Kenargo's toadstools are just awesome. Just my 2 cents...and thanks again Kenargo!
I still have 2 medium toadstools if anyone is interested.

Ken i already got few pieces of your generous offer but now have my 180 gallon tank up and running so if i can't find takers i would love to pick them up! Thank you!
ya i got two of these and some buttons and they are all doing fantastic, another thanks to ken
I'll let you know, let me see if someone else wants them 1st (just to spread them around). Keep an eye on the thread.