need help ASAP

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The skimmer stopped skimming, because the surface "oils" of the water have been disrupted. This can also be accomplished, simply by feeding your tank or putting your hands in the water. It'll start skimming again, in a day or two.

When you say you can't see into the tank, please describe what you mean? Does the water appear "cloudy white?" Or is it maybe a "dark cloudy?" You could have triggered a bacterial bloom. If this is the case, it could continue to "bloom" for awhile. The carbon will help, though the carbon could also be the source of possible "cloudiness" if the carbon wasn't rinsed VERY WELL, prior to using it. If the carbon is in a filter sock, is the filter sock still white, or has it turned black? I've had carbon totally cloud up a tank, many times, due to my not rinsing it well enough.

Probably not necessary, but you could also perform a large water change. 50% won't hurt anything, as long as the new water parameters and temperature are close to the tank water.
When you say you can't see into the tank, please describe what you mean? Does the water appear "cloudy white?" Or is it maybe a "dark cloudy?" You could have triggered a bacterial bloom. If this is the case, it could continue to "bloom" for awhile. The carbon will help, though the carbon could also be the source of possible "cloudiness" if the carbon wasn't rinsed VERY WELL, prior to using it. If the carbon is in a filter sock, is the filter sock still white, or has it turned black? I've had carbon totally cloud up a tank, many times, due to my not rinsing it well enough.

Or perhaps the lights are off for the night:lol:
Run Carbon, Water Change and sit back and Examine you tank before anything else. Give your skimmer acouple of days to revive itself.

Look at the different things in your reef tank, Does anything look stressed out? Are the fish gasping for air? Are corals closed up or are some starting to open? Stressing out to much over a little spilled coffee in the aquarium isn't a good thing. I've done worst things to my tanks and everything is still going strong. Just remember what these creatures endure in the wild over their lifetime and then you'll probably realize a little coffee in a large tank isn't that bad. :0)

As others have mentioned, don't over due the treatment for the spilled coffee as you could put even more undue stress on the inhabitants than need be.

Keep us posted on the out come.
Well the skimmer started working that night and was full when I got up. I had one of my clowns jump out of the tank and he died :( .. The water is still brownish. Going to do a water chang today, I let it sit yesterday. No corals in the tank it's just a temp tank after taking down my 180. The 475 is just about ready to be filled with salt water. It's all level now.
Well every thing is just about back to norm. The fish are back to eating good, the tank is just about clear :) thanks for all the help guys.