need help finding a light fixture

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o ok, will definetly do that. do you know of olive snails i have a couple in there now will they do any harm to the sandbed?
Pass on getting another mp10 or 20 get the 40 as the 20 and 40 is the same FP with the 10 almost half the size and if you need more/less flow just adjust it to your tank needs. It is alsways good to know you have extra flow waiting to be unleashed when you need it instead of having to upgrade or getting another PH to accomadate for flow.
i never really even thought of that as an option with the cost of it, but that makes a lot of sense especially since i will more than likely upgrade. I most liekly will end up doing that. Also do you guys know where i could get a really strong trash can or something to hold my ro water? i considered a rubbermaid container but i dont have the room i need something slimmer.
Rough Tote trash cans are made by Rubbermaide and are safe. I've had one in use for about 4 years and it's holding up just fine.

When it comes to flow, Roscoe really knows what he's talking about. He's got monster flow and his coral growth is a testament to the benefits of flow.
Awesome thats why i love RF, there is always someone here that is an expert at something and are very helpful. As for my flow options im still pondering on how i should place the powerheads, i was thinking one on each end pointed towards each other, or i could place then on the back of the tank towards the front, not really sure which way would work better.
O another problem i have encountered and have not came up with a solution. My RBTA is in the back of my tank on my 30g, he has attached to the biggest rock i have but at the very bottom pretty much underneath it, the problem is that the rock will only siit how it is now stabiliy, i dont want to hurt it by prying if off, some suggest it will unlatch during the move from stress, and i have read about the ice cubes and powerheads, have you tried any of these or know what would actually work to remove it from the rock?
i never really even thought of that as an option with the cost of it, but that makes a lot of sense especially since i will more than likely upgrade. I most liekly will end up doing that.

Yeah I have 3200 GPH in my 40b and 20000gph in my 270g DT if all pumps are running full speed. With all the pumps running at different modes I get some wild chaotic flow. It can go from 14000GPH-20000GPH and change directions with in seconds just like the real ocean. The flow pattern is never the same as I have 2 tunze PH modded onto 2 Wavy Sea. Also to try to get good flow behind and through your rock work this will help with detritus build up. What I did with my 270g I used a Tunze 6100 on a controller tucked in the bottom back left corner to keep the back half flushed of detritus and also to have more flow in between the bottom half of the aquascape. The reason for me having this on a controller is so that I don't have constant forced flow into one area and thus forcing detritus into your rock. With it on a controller it has a sweep pull and push affect.
I've had to remove lots of RBTAs. Every time, except once, I was able to remove it by aiming a powerhead at it. Once it started moving, I was able to get my fingers under part of it's foot and gently remove it. The one time this didn't work, I tried ice cubes. I went through a whole lot of ice cubes and it never worked. I finally removed the rock, with RBTA attached and used a screw driver and hammer to chip off some of the rock off, with the RBTA attached. This didn't hurt the RBTA at all, and it was out of water for almost 30 minutes, though I kept it wet with wet paper towels.

When you move the rock from the 30 to the other tank, it will probably move. In the 30, I'd leave it alone. It'll move on it's own, when it decides
ok il wait and see if it moves in the new tank, of since i will be uping the lighting so much should i turn them on let say in the morning for an hour or so and turn the off and then later turn them back on or should i just let the light run for a couple hours and shut them off for the rest of the day and then the next day like 30 min longer every couple days?

Roscoe thats crazy flow! i hope when i get this tank finished i will have about max 6400gph, wish i could afford a controller i will be saving up and i hope il get one, maybe one day lol.
the tank i found is new and is drilled however it doesnt come with an overlfow already set up, i have been looking around and cant seem to find one do you guys know of anywhere that sells them?
I have used ice cubes a few times to remove RBTA's. Well I guess I should saymy wife has. She just rubs the ice on the edge of its foot and it will start to come up. If your not selling the RBTA then you are probably just better off letting the RBTA find its own new home.
Ya i may have to do that, its just unfortunate on where it is on the rock, but im sure it will either let go during transit or once in the new tank with new lights and flow it should move around a bit or at least i hope so.
ok guys one more question arises. im looking at ro/di units and i know bulkreefsupply is a good company. This is the one im looking at*PLUS*-System/product_info.html

i like it because it comes with a hose adapter as well as the tds meter and pressure gauge. Seems to be a reasonable price. I dont see a rejection rate on the page do any of you have this filter or know anything about it?

or can you recommend any?
Ok so i am getting the tank tomorrow. I want to know how i should go about setting it up so that it wont have to cycle. my problem is i was lookng at the sand in the display and it looks pretty bad although all the sand in the fuge is aoubt 3 months old, could i use that sand instead? and just use mostly new water and the water from my 30g. I would have to accilmate everything back to the tank though right? Any suggestions? Thanks.
ok guys one more question arises. im looking at ro/di units and i know bulkreefsupply is a good company. This is the one im looking at*PLUS*-System/product_info.html

i like it because it comes with a hose adapter as well as the tds meter and pressure gauge. Seems to be a reasonable price. I dont see a rejection rate on the page do any of you have this filter or know anything about it?

or can you recommend any?

Those are good units. I upgraded from a Water General 110gpd to the current one I have. I love this sytem as it actually produce what it says and comes with a booster pump for places with low water pressure. It cost a little more than the one you posted though but comes with everything.
Ya i went a head and orderd the one form bulkreef supply i have already spent about 500 over my limit :) The fiance is not so thrilled. lol. I should get it in three days i opted for the faster shipping so i could get the water in there asap, the shipping really kills though. Thanks for link im sure its actually a better deal since it comes with the booster pump although i just cant swing it right now.

I am really worried about having a spike in nitrates if my tank starts to cycle do you guys have an ideas on how i can prevent this from happening? I have about 30lbs of sand in the fuge from the old system and bought 40 lbs of new live sand.