Need help with my Jawfish

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Apr 14, 2007
I recently purchased a jewfish, and have had it for 4 days. It does not burrow in the sand. It just swims around. I put in lots of little rocks in the tanks so that he could build a burrow. but he just swims around all stressed. is there anything i can do to encourage him to burrow?
What do you mean swims around all stressed?

Maybe he's just looking at the real estate trying to find a place.

What kind of substrate do you have?
List your Parameters too.

I would enjoy the time he swims around the tank, because after that, they usually don't come out much...
I had a bluespot jawfish who spent one day out and about, then he started digging and did not stop. I would just be patient and try not to spook him.
jawfish seem to be a bit neurotic and high strung by nature, so they tend to stress out a lot when transported. assuming that you've got a good sand substrate, then it'll likely find just the right spot and start burrowing. then once it gets that burrow just right, they'll often move in the middle of the night and start a new burrow. i've had a jawfish that migrated (randomly)between three burrows. give it some time and try not to get to close to the tank when it's out and about.