Need help with power outage

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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2006
Bellevue, WA
I have been without power for the past 48 hours now. I've been struggling to keep my tank alive. In the first 12 hours I lost my flame angel and a cleaner shrimp. I started to use a pint glass to take water out and put it back in to make bubbles. By the end of this I will have really strong biceps :)

I also managed to get two car batteries and an inverter eventually, so I have the circulation pumps and skimmer back on for at least 12 hours a day with a few breaks in between. My gas fireplace is keeping the tank warmish (75F or so). Most corals seem to be coping ok, but I don't think they will survive a 3rd day without light and I don't know any way to provide light to the tank for more than 40 - 50min before my power supplies die.

I can't think of anything else to do at this point and I'm restless, grumpy and afraid all this effort will be in vain. Puget Sound Energy say the problem will go well into next week :-( I'm keeping my fingers crossed hoping my power will be back soon....
the main thing to do here is keep the water airated some how keep some movment and keep the temp over 70 degrees
also make sure your PH stays up it can fall very fast with the still water. if you can do this then you should be fine for several days longer just bare with it.. and keep the temp up and water moving..

Thanks for the advice!
The car batteries are helping a lot, but I haven't tested my ph yet. Will do that when I get home.
The fish are doing fine now. A few were lying on their side in the beginning by they have been very well since I started to add air to the water.

So the light isn't a big problem? I thought the corals were going to perish after continuous darkness.

I will need a vacation when this is over!!
I couldn't find a generator and I'm not sure if that's an option cause I'm in a condo. They may not be allowed or will be too loud.
2 days with no light should be fine. The 3 to 4 day mark will really be pushing it I would think given the other stress factors they are dealing with. If you got a second inverter you could power some light for 4-5 hours a day running it directly from your car while it was running. Definitly not the best option but if you don't have friend with a big sump and power that owes you a favor, thats what I would do.
Thanks for the reply. Crisis adverted.
I got my power back just after midnight, over 48 hours later. I have everything on now and my losses seem to be limited to those of the first 10-12 hours.
Phew.... that was a close one.