Need help with skimmer and filter decision

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Feb 1, 2005
Need Help With A Decision On What Skimmer And Filter To Use On My 55 Gal Reef Tank.

Currently Have A Fluvall Canister And A Sea Clone Skimmer Want To Upgrade To Have Better Health For All Fish

Any Help Will Be Appreciated.
What are you ultimately wanting to keep in this system?

Welcome to RF!!! :D

Barr Aquatic Systems has some excellent products. I would recommend the SK1000 skimmer. Here's the link:

Filtration depends on what your keeping in the tank. Is it an all fish tank or do you have corals or are planning to keep corals? Let us know so we can further assist you....
Sorry it took so long to get back to everyone but daughter had surgery yesterday.

okay currently have corals only but am putting fish in in the future. I also would prfer a hang on skimmer, Ended up getting a Rena filter so im still lost on the skimmer. LFS said a prizm but I just can't believe that one.

Thanks all and I am glad to have found this site.
I have a prizam pro deluxe, it works but it could be better. It is on a 75 gallon tank, and it makes a lot of skimate for me, I have set up to drain into a gallon pitcher, and it does keep my tank going well. I have a lot of prizams, I will not be buying any more. My next skimmer will be the aqua G series that dave at vivid (a sponsor sells) If you must get a hang on skimmer the prizam one rated to 300 gallons will work good on a 55 gallon tank, the one rated to 90 gallons will not (in my opinion) do the job you want. HTH. Steve
Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!! Sorry to hear your daughter had surgery - hope all went well.

For hang on skimmers, I really like the Remora or Remora Pro, like Pyrrhus posted above. Here is a link to the website for more info on them: Aqua C - Remora and Remora Pro.
remora or remora pro. The best common way to go. Prism pro can skim if you watch it 24/7 and are constanty adjusting it. Most small fish stores don't even have the latest equipment. If you are looking into a big purchase research online like you are doing and then you can go to the store locally and see if they have it. our popular stores around here try to keep up with the new products but this hobby is constantly advancing so it can be hard. Bad advice cost a lot of money in the end.

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