need help with zoas

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2007
hey all,

so my system has been runnin for about 6 months know and i have started to add corals and one fish (tailspot blennie). i have 4 mushrooms and 5 frags of zoas so far and some pink pulsing xenia. temp is 77 to 78 all tests are good except nitrates witch are at .05. fish and corals seem healthy especailly the xenia which has grown alot in just a week.

i do seem to have one problem though i purchased a zoa frag almost two weeks ago know and there are about 12 polyps on this frag and only three have opened. i have tried different placing with the same results. the three that open look good but i dont know what to do with the others. should i wait longer or should i clean the other polyps off the rock and allow the ones that are open to have more room to grow. suggestions would be great.

"all tests" are fine? What is your Ca, Mg and alk? Ever feed these little anemones?
Assuming the water parameters are all fine and have good water flow, then give them time.
I always find that it's a hit and miss, depending on where you got them. I acclimate them by drip then stick em in the tank. Usually I have great luck but sometimes you get a frag that just doesn't make it. Don't clean it off, just let it take care of itself.
Zoanthids are really temperamental creatures. May take long time (years even) before they adjust to your tank environment.

Took that long for some of my colonies to start to multiply.

Put them in medium light and medium flow...and wait. If after month or so, and no change, move them somewhere else. :?:
Zoas are funny like that, main reason I hate them. Some colonies are huge mats of beauty but a few stupid ones all closed up really looks crappy.
Never had a problem with any Zoas I got from Steven. All opened up the same day, stay open all the time (except when my Clown rubs on them) and grow like mad.
Never had a problem with any Zoas I got from Steven. All opened up the same day, stay open all the time (except when my Clown rubs on them) and grow like mad.

Swell his head even more, good idea. Hes considering starting his own limited edition line.
yep there like that....

once they get "happy" they take off... but they dont take a lotta abuse, give them time... as long as a few have opened already you should be ok... just make sure you water is nice and clean. and give them time.,

thanks all for the replies i guess i will just let them do there thing and hope they come around. all other corals are diong great. tailspot blenny is awesome fish (would recomend for smaller nano tank). once again appreciate the help.

jagwire - zoas can take sometime to settle in. One question that hasnt been asked is what type of lighting were they under and what type of lighting do you have. Once they settle in and you arent handling/moving them, they will multiply like crazy!
And what ever you do, dont listen to anything that BCT182 clown has to say. It's extremely bad for your health!:eek:

He will try to tell you to but a catshark in a 24 gallon cube!
YA. someone might want to tell you that zooanthids are Toxic to humans.... gloves eye protection... bla bla bla.... at your own risk

strait up, that stuff will put u in a world of pain if you get that in your blood stream..
cuts fingers eyes. stuff like that are all good spots where you could get it..

you will see a smoke comeing outta the zoo's..... stay away from that..

days of pain,
Don't' forget to check for zoanthid eating hitchhikers...such as heliacus snail, and zoanthid eating nudibranchs. Sometimes these are the reason the polyps won't open up.

i have the zoas in a 10 gallon aga with an 8 gallon diy acrylic sump mag 7 return to three inlets and an 80 watt power compact light. im attempting to have primarily zoas and then transfering to a larger tank and using as a zoa garden. i have 5 zoa frags in at this piont and all look good except for one which has 4 out of 10 polyps open.

thanks for the feedback now i got another question for ya if im looking to continue adding different zoas where would i go about getting the better colored ones. online i have seen quite a few sites but am unsure about the sites and locally zoas especially bright colored zoas seem difficult to come by. lastly should i wait on adding anymore frags until the unopened zoas come around.

thanks all