Aptasia Here's a bump for more verification...Like I said, look around good for more because if there is one, chances are there are more and if not,it won't be long so you will have to nuke him quick
hehe yeah if you don't take care of it you could end up with a trouble ... some people use pepperment shrimps and some use quemicals to kill it like Krish and Tim explained you in your other thread .
Here are some threads about getting rid of them. I see not very many people are online so you may want to start here. There are also some pics on these threads for you to verify with as well
Lovely aptasia! I dont like to put any more chemicals than i have to in my tank. A hungry peperment shrimp will take care of these quickly. I would recomend feeding you tank before you go pick one up and not feed for a day or so because the shrimp would much rather eat frozen or flake food than aptasia.