need little help

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Active member
Mar 24, 2009
spokane wa, northside
my water started getting very green and cloudy ,.. so i changed about 25 gallons. and 1 day later its going back to the same green sitiuation... what should i do ...

my tank is 50 gal. tall.

alredy tried turining of the lights and i stoped feeding the fish for about a day .:mad::eek::confused:
A lot more information will be needed to help you.

How old has this tank been set up?
What type of equipment do you have?
How many and what kinds of fish?
Are you using RO/DI water?
How much live rock?
Describe your maintenance schedule
Are you dosing anything into the tank?
Is your tank getting direct sunlight through any windows?

What are you testing for and what are your results? Need results, especially for:

Also would help to have results for:

It sounds like you have a serious Diatom Bloom going on. That's fairly common with new tanks. However, it's usually limited to the sand, glass and rocks, not the water.
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Along with Sid's questions -

Have you added anything new to the tank just before the green look? I took a canister filter off of a FW setup once and forgot to clean the hoses - turned my water green for a month as the FW algae died off and released into the water column....

New equipment?
New corals?
New anything?
If its actually green its probably a phyto bloom. The fastest fix is a diatom filter. The slower is lots of water changes and lots good carbon.
lets cee i got about 40 p. live rock. got crushed corals/ fine sand .
jebo protein skimmer
pinguin overflow pump
2 powerheads
yellow tang
2 maroon clowns
and 2 damsels
blue leg hermit crabs


or this solution its for my fetherdusters so they can feed on .. not sure what it is
i usually feed my tang with that seeweed i think that made my water green.
alredy tried turining of the lights and i stoped feeding the fish for about a day
Anything that requires light? One day of lights out isn't enough to reduce algae. What are your water parameters? Its got to be feeding on something. In my experience, green blooms are cause by either excess feeding, extensive light period or bad water quality.
that could be your problem... the tap water in our area has around 5ppm nitrates but ive heard its real high in phosphates, i could be wrong but thats what ive heard. i havent actually checked it myself, and im out in the valley. could be different in other parts of town
ro/di unit would be the way to go, but if you dont have the 190 bucks to spend right now, you can call steve at the coral reef and tell him a day or 2 in advance how much water you need. im pretty sure he doesnt charge anything for it, or if you need water right away you can go to barbies shop for 25 cents/ gallon or kevins shop for i think 60 cents/gallon
I sent you a PM for a place ai got my ro/di from. Had it for about two years and works great.
RO/DI units you don't have to do a full hookup you can get a faucet adapter so you can hook it up when you need it and store it away when you don't. Water can be expensive that's why usually taking the step and buying a RO/DI unit (yeah spending $100-200 on a water maker seems crazy) in the long run is actually cheaper and... you dont have to go anywhere to get the water. You will save yourself ALOT of fustration by using RO/DI.
looks hard , cause im not a ginius when it comes to this.. im good in remodeling ;) homes
this is just what i like to do on the side ,, but i guess i need alot alot more to learn .. ooo another thing last night i kinda went to check up on my tank to cee if the cup of the skimmer is full and i kinda turned my lights on and my yellow tang was acting very wiered, it seemed like he is blind he was banging against rocks and against the walls . he seems fine just he didnt know what he was doing , i kinda watched him for about 30 min same thing . anybody knows whats wrong with him
kinda turned my lights on and my yellow tang was acting very wiered, it seemed like he is blind he was banging against rocks and against the walls . he seems fine just he didnt know what he was doing , i kinda watched him for about 30 min same thing . anybody knows whats wrong with him

He was asleep and you startled it. They do not have eyelids. In the wild, there are no big lights that turn on. Keep it dark at night and use a flashlight outside the tank as needed
thats what i ment i only turned my rooo, light on not my tank lights .. thats why it seemed wiered,, i watched and watched him he was like half dead .. anyways so i guess i must bbuy myself ro-.. what does a uv-sterilizer do