Need more flow... tunze or vortech?

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
Seattle, Washington, United States
Hey guys, I think it is time to upgrade my powerheads. I have a 75 gallon tank. I was originally thinking about putting in an MP40 and and MP10. I like that they have a small in-tank footprint due to the motors being outside, but I've heard they can get noisy and the pricetag is a bit crazy.

So, want to make sure I give the tunze controllable powerheads a look before I decide. I had originally been against the tunze since they took up more tank space, but I've been hearing good things from people with them, and the price is nicer.

So, was wondering what your guys opinions were between the two brands. And, if I went with the tunze, what would you guys suggest I get?

I'm currently running 2X Korelia 3's and a propeller modded maxijet 1200. I'm just getting too many dead spots due to rock work, so I want something that does a better job of moving the water around.

Any advice you guys have would be great. Thanks!

TUNZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yea, I love Tunzes!! :D Never tried a Vortech, but I have had 3 different Tunzes ranging from the nano version to ones on controllers and was pleased with all of them. :)
VORTECH all the way

TUNZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yea, I love Tunzes!! :D Never tried a Vortech, but I have had 3 different Tunzes ranging from the nano version to ones on controllers and was pleased with all of them. :)

just got one for my 75 sps/ lps....the vortech rocks it i have 1 k3 with it and they do great...
Big problem I keep hearing about the vortech (my original choice due to the small footprint) is that they get pretty noisy after a few months. But I've also heard that maybe that has been fixed in the new models.

Also pretty pricey. I'd want 2 of them so they can sync together, so was thinking about a 40 and 10, which would be like $700 or something.

Anyone know what a comparable tunze setup would be? I'd also like 2 of them to get some wave action going.

Would love to hear some more input from people. I've done a decent amount of research on them (a little more vortech focused though.)

Really need to get rid of some dead spots in my tank, as cyano like to hole up there.....
I had 2 MP40's in my tank and now I've got 3 Tunze 6105's and a single MP40. The vortechs are great but they're quite a bit more expensive and while they are quiet they're louder than a Tunze. The 6105's are dead silent but they do take up more space in the tank and I've got a wire running into the tank that I don't have with the vortech. The deciding factor for me when I decided to switch is that I have a Reefkeeper controller and DA is about to take preorders on a Tunze controller module so I'll be able to run them from my controller and won't have to buy a Tunze controller.

Truly, you can't go wrong either way but I can buy 3 6105's for just slightly more than 2 Vortechs.

Looks like things have changed since I last checked these out. I thought the MP40's had two propellers mounted next to each other. Now I'm only seeing one. Prices on the Tunze seem a bit more than I remember too. You guys think adding 2 of these (either MP40 or tunze6105) will get rid of deadspots in my tank?

Checking out prices now on marine depot:
MP40: $444
MP10: $220
these come with the controllers. Another bonus of the vortech is the optional battery backup incase of power outage.

Tunze Turbelle® Stream 2 Controllable Pumps (New Generation with Titanium Alloy Shaft)
Tunze Turbelle® Stream 2 Controllable Pumps (New Generation with Titanium Alloy Shaft)
2 of them at $311 each is: $611

Tunze Multicontroller 7095 Microcontroller: $260
So, total is about $900 bucks for 2 tunze pumps.

I thought tunze were a bit less expensive than the vortech, but they appear to be more expensive... unless I'm pricing something out wrong....
Mcoomer, a good point on controllers. I think there is an apex controller for at least one of these. If it is the tunze, that would maybe make a difference. My tank is quite a bit smaller than yours, so I wouldn't think I'd need 3 of them.

Either 2*6105 tunze or an MP40/MP10 combo
Due to price, I guess right now I'm leaning towards an MP40 and MP10 (total $660) as 2X6105 and a controller for the tunze runs at $880.

Do you guys think that the MP40/MP10 combo is good for my 75 gallon tank? Or should I go about it another way?
I believe Neptune makes a Tunze controller for its it is. Works with AC3, AC3 Pro and AC Jr. Also, the Tunze 6105's come with a pot so you can adjust the speed manually if you don't have a controller. That allows you to set a constant speed.

What are the dimensions of your tank?

Its a standard 75. I think that is 4' by 2' by 18" or something like that.

It looks like this is what I would need to link it in to my aquacontroller: Neptune Systems AquaSurf Variable Speed Pump Module: Kitchen & Dining

So, it would be about $820 to get 2Xtunze 6105 with an apex controller.

Think it is better to tie it in to my apex or use the tunze controller and keep it separate? Looks like configuring on the apex isn't too tough, so maybe a better idea to keep it tied into the controller. I'd like a controller so I can play with wave programs and switch up flow.

Still weighing this option against an MP40/MP10 combo ($660, so about $200 cheaper)

Pro's/Con's as I see them:
Pro's: Can aim them, quieter, more flow than the MP40/MP10 combo
Con's: Added head to tank (although not really worried about this), larger in tank footprint

Pro's: Contoller included, so saves 200 bucks. Small in tank footprint.
Con's: not as quiet. Cannot aim, so may have trouble getting flow into some dead spots.
Hmm, actually. The link above that I posted (same item that you posted) is not for the apex. It appears the apex has these variable speed ports built in?

If you search this page for Tunze, that is what it appears like to me. Can you recognize if the port matches the tunze plug?

If this is the case, then getting two tunze 6105's is a bit cheaper than the MP40/MP10 combo.

Do you think two 6105's will get rid of any dead spots in my tank?
Just found a 10% off coupon for marine depot. Now just gotta decide if I buy 2 tunze 6105's and use the apex controller or MP40/mp10 and use the controller that comes with them.

Mcoomer, curious what you would do for a 75 if you were setting it up, since you have experience with both powerheads. Its a tough call. Price is about the same (getting an MP40 and an MP10 is about 40 bucks more.) I also have some nems, so I guess not destroying them in the powerhead is another thing that would be good
I'll throw my 2 cents worth in.
I bought 2 of the MP 40ES and thought they were great, untill I started noticeing the noise. When they would start ramping up, it seemed pretty loud. Once I became aware of the noise, I couldn't ignore it.
I ended up trading the 2 like new Vortechs for a almost new pair of Tunze 6105's and a used 7095 controller.
I am so happy I did. The Tunze's are dead silent and IMO, more adaptable in my tank. It's 30" front to back.
If I were you, I'd get the Tunzes, new and look for a used controller. RC eqiupment section has them every once in a while.
thanks for the input finn. I think I was putting a bit too much priority on the vortechs not taking up tank real estate. Starting to think tunze is the way to go also. I'll wait a bit to see if any others chime in.

Need to double check when I get home, but it appears my apex will control tunze controllers without any extra equipment

Need to double check when I get home, but it appears my apex will control tunze controllers without any extra equipment

Now that would be cool.

I also should mention that the Tunze customer service is outstanding.
I've bought used Tunze pumps, had them break and received replacements, no questions asked.
I used to have a couple Tunze on my old tank and yes they are more quieter than the two MP40ES I have on opposite sides of my 160XL (63in by 30in by 24in tall). I really enjoy the syncing, and the wide gentle flow. I run mine at 75% power on reef crest mode and in night mode in the evening when lights are lower (constant speed with very low noise). I wanted a very quiet tank and this was my biggest concern but it doesn't bother us in our living room watching TV or reading. I would be hard pressed to go back to Tunze now. They are super easy to clean and mounting direct to the sides of the glass is nice, makes it very easy to reposition. It does take a little tuning to get the sound/vibration down to the minimum but as long as you are not running full speed, which you will probably find you don't have to with two unit, then I think you will absolutely enjoy.

Personally I vote for the 40 and 10 or two 40s if you can swing it! Question, have you seen the Vortechs in action??? If by chance you are ever in the Seabeck area you are welcome to drop by.
I vote Vortechs all the way! I've had the 40,20 and now 10 and love them! Maybe just get the mp40 and see how it works in the 75. It might be all the flow you need. I think the funnest part about them is all the different modes you can mess around with. Great customer service also!
dailydriven, I'm interested in playing around with the modes, such as reef crest, etc. For that I really need to get 2 of them synced, yes? Do you think 1 MP40 would get rid of dead spots in my tank? I currently have 2 korelia 3's and a maxijet 1200 modded with impeller for 2,300 gph or something, and I have too many dead spots down low and in areas of the rockwork.

Dragoneggs, good to hear some info on the vortechs. Tunze will also do the different modes. Do you think the vortechs are better with the modes? Or did you not have your old tunze on a controller? Do you think with the fixed direction on the vortechs I'll be able to get flow in all the current dead spots? A bit concerned with not being able to aim them. I have a thin layer of fine sand, so can't get them too low to the bottom.
Ive never heard someone say "I hate my Tunze"
Ive heard plenty of gripes about vortech breakdowns and bad wetside bearings ect.