need opinion

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120 gallon 48" x 24" x 24".

it's come with 2 overflow and i think in this case i can put stronger pump like the :blue line 40 HD-X rated 1270 gph or the : 55 HD rated 1100 gph.

Yeah, that'll work! And you can "Y" the return pump to give you output through each overflow because from what I have seen of them, they have 2 holes in each overflow...One for drain and the other for return. It should give you nice coverage and if you want to get a little fancy, the returns are lockline, so you can put a lockline "Y" at the end of each nozzle and have 2 heads coming out of each return to re-direct flow even more...
krish75 said:
Yeah, that'll work! And you can "Y" the return pump to give you output through each overflow because from what I have seen of them, they have 2 holes in each overflow...One for drain and the other for return. It should give you nice coverage and if you want to get a little fancy, the returns are lockline, so you can put a lockline "Y" at the end of each nozzle and have 2 heads coming out of each return to re-direct flow even more...

as i understand i will connect between the 2 return "y" and connect 1 pipe to the pump. can you add photo for lockline i want to see how it look like.

again i want to tank for all your patient and help i very much appreciate it.


Here's a thread with some online sources for it: Loc-Line

Are you set on getting the 120 gallon now? How many Tunzes do you think you'd like to have?
Hi Mavgi,
Welcome to Reef Frontiers! You've got a couple of questions going on here all at once...but I'll try to help you out with the one regarding the return pump.

The Blueline 40 HD-X External Water Pump is really just a renamed/relabeled PanWorld 100PXX-MD40X External Water Pump - 1270gph. Its good to keep this in mind when looking for replacement parts, etc....The Blueline is just Champion Lighting's label on a Pan-World.
Its a good pump, but its not pressure rated, meaning you will lose alot of head pressure when the pump has to push water into smaller openings, through bends, (90's or 45's) and when head pressure increases, ("uphill" so to speak). This isnt a problem, its just something to be aware of.
There are many flow calculators out which will help you determine exactly how much water you will be moving when you configure your plumbing. One thing you need to always keep in mind is the inlet/outlet diameter of your pump. In this case, its 1 inch inlet/outlet. Since this is a non pressure rated pump, if you reduce the outflow to 3/4 of an inch, (the largest size of Loc-line available, you will seriously choke your pumps return flow. This will create more back pressure on the pump will eventually shorten the life of the pump.
However there are many ways around this....
The purpose of a return pump is just to bring water from the sump, back to the tank. You're not really worried about how it gets there, just that it does, if you can make the water flow more chaotic, then great, if not, no big deal.
With that in mind, a standard RR 120 has two 1 inch overflows(drains) and two 3/4 inch returns. If you run one pump for both returns, you will a single 1 inch outlet (pump) flowing through two 3/4 inch returns. I'm not a fluid dynamics guru...but I believe that would be close to a single 1 inch return. Please understand that due to surface area of a circle, (math here...not necessarily my strong suit) two 1/2 inch drains cannot handle the flow from a single 1 inch diameter drain. I believe it requires something like four 1/2 drains to equal the flow capacity of a single 1 inch drain.
Reedman, ( a member here), is very good at this sort of thing...might want to give hima PM about the whole issue. He can correct any misinformation I might have inadvertantly given you.

One thing I would definately reccomend with you future set-up...allow for redundancy and have a back up for EVERYTHING VITAL to your tank....IE PUMPS, HEATERS, and COOLING SYSTEMS.
I woke up yesterday and both of my return pumps (One Iwaki and one Mag 7) had quit working. I got them both working again, but I was not happy at having to drop everything I had planned for the day to deal with this. If I had a second pump on a shelf, all I would have had to do was slap the new one on, and fix the old one at my leisure. Instead of being an emergency, it owuld have been an annoyance....
Food for thought.

They are all nice skimmers. Have you thought about ASM G3 skimmer. I use it on my 90 and love it.
They are all nice skimmers. Have you thought about ASM G3 skimmer. I use it on my 90 and love it.

James is right. They are basically the same thing as a Euroreef except half the money. Alot of people use them and I've personally never heard anyone say a bad thing about them...
yesterday i read here a lot at the euro reef club post section that a lot of member complain about leake and some other problem ...

the cs8-3 skimmer expensive unit and i am little concern now ... when you pay a lot of money for serious you accept to receive a good skimmer without start to see this problem .i want to get more feedback about the asm skimmer and about the mrc 2 i want to be sure before i "click to pay" we work very hard for the money and to pay $600 on something that you not 100% sure it's headache.
after ithat i will back to the correct pump ....
about the tank iam still wait for the price between the 90 or the 120 both will be 48" long and 24" high

about the asm what type you suggest and the pump i saw the asm g4 x i want to know if it's good enough to those size of tanks
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Euroreef has changed the neck design of their skimmers, shortly after I purchased one. I did have a leaky neck (old style neck), but Euroreef sent me a whole new skimmer. From my understanding the new neck design works alot better and is the same design that ASM uses, too. I haven't read of any complaints in awhile. Were the complaints with the new neck style or the old ones?
Well, I started a few threads a while back when I was trying to decide upon a skimmer and got the same options as you have...ASM, Euroreef, AquaC EV, and MRC. I also did a google search on it and at the time, the Euroreef and the AquaC's were most popular. The thing you will have to consider when deciding on which one you should get is if you have the clearance under your stand for it or space in your sump if it is an internal skimmer. I had no choice but to use the AquaC EV because I didn't have the space in my sump and it was the shortest on tht would have worked externally. You will always have a "lemon" out of the bunch. Just like with cars. We may both have 2006 Accords and I may never have a problem with mine and you may have to change the whole engine after a week for no apparent reason at all and that's where you get the conflicting feedback on particular skimmers. In all honesty, I would buy any of the above skimmers in a heart beat. From what I have read and have heard about them all, is enough for me to know that I'd be happy with any of them...
Oh BTW, I think Premium Aquatics will have reduced prices on their Euroreef skimmers soon as they make way for the new models if I understood correctly. Which means it may be an opprtune time to get one at a great price. If you are interested I can find out for you for sure if they will be reduced...
NaH2O said:
Euroreef has changed the neck design of their skimmers, shortly after I purchased one. I did have a leaky neck (old style neck), but Euroreef sent me a whole new skimmer. From my understanding the new neck design works alot better and is the same design that ASM uses, too. I haven't read of any complaints in awhile. Were the complaints with the new neck style or the old ones?

look here on the euro reef memmber club and you will find those post about the leaking problem ( they are old but there some of them)
krish75 said:
Oh BTW, I think Premium Aquatics will have reduced prices on their Euroreef skimmers soon as they make way for the new models if I understood correctly. Which means it may be an opprtune time to get one at a great price. If you are interested I can find out for you for sure if they will be reduced...

here is one that i find now please tell me if it's the new or old one i post here the picture more then that i know you run the asm .

what you think between this 2 the eruo reef cs8 -3 and the asm g4 x
here is one that i find now please tell me if it's the new or old one i post here the picture more then that i know you run the asm .

what you think between this 2 the eruo reef cs8 -3 and the asm g4

I think that may be the old one, but I'm not positive. I just got a reply from Robat Premium Aquatics and he said they are reduced a bit and there are still a few left. They also have the new ones also.

About which one out of the 2 I couldn't say. I have never used the ASM nor Euroreef, but have heard great things about them both. I know that they make some neat upgrades for the ASM skimmers like a re-circulating mod. I will pm Steve (Wrightme 43) and have him post here. He runs an ASM skimmer and knows them pretty well...
krish75 said:
I think that may be the old one, but I'm not positive. I just got a reply from Robat Premium Aquatics and he said they are reduced a bit and there are still a few left. They also have the new ones also.

About which one out of the 2 I couldn't say. I have never used the ASM nor Euroreef, but have heard great things about them both. I know that they make some neat upgrades for the ASM skimmers like a re-circulating mod. I will pm Steve (Wrightme 43) and have him post here. He runs an ASM skimmer and knows them pretty well...

sorry for the mistake.

the photo i post it's from premium aquatics... how can i see how the new one look.

i will wait for all to see what type i will take ...
Well I like ASM skimmers. I have two asm g-3 with the recir mod siting next to me here in my office. A g-3 on my tank, 5 g-3 in operation on tanks, a g-2 in operation on a tank, and a g-2 in operation on my live rock holding vat. I can tell you that they work real well, and they are priced resonably, easy to clean and maintain, easy to use, and they make me happy. Here is my skimmer rule. It works well for me. half what the manufacturer says it will do, and then you will be cool, if you really wanna be happy go up a size or two over that.
If you go with 90 gallon, I would sat use ASM G3. If 120, use G4. The Sedra pump these comewith is nice and quiet.