Need pump recomendation

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2005
seattle, wa
I need to get water from my sump and back into my tank via a spray bar to help keep my BB nice and clean. I was, and may still be, considering a Mag7 but am trying to figure out if it's the best choice. It looks like the Mag7 will run 480gph through a 4 foot head. Granted, this doesn't include the added constriction of the spray bar.

I guess what I'm asking is, are the Mag pumps reliable and maintenance free? Should I be looking at spending 2x the cash on an Eheim 1260? What about Rios, Hydors, etc.?
What size overflow do you have that drains into the sump?
A few things to consider, what size tank do you have, also what will happen when you loose power and that pump stops, will it all drain into the sump, you will need an air break to prevent siphoning the entire main water into the sump. I say this because your trying to circulate water from your sump & utilize the output as a spray bar. Basically you don't need major flow from the sump back to the main tank, the spray bar may best be used on a cl instead. I guess the size tank, desired tank inhabitants along with budget will determine how you decide to plumb your tank. Personally I'd separate the two or somehow design a siphon break close to the top of the return line before it reaches the spray bar. I would also search up on spray bars to get the most of of them, I personally never got much from them but some use them with success, I'd want to think a cl with several outputs would be more efficient for water movement. JMO!

Oh yea mags are good pumps sorry I went off your question some:D
I'll be running a CPR overflow box on 29gal tank. The overflow runs 800gph and I don't want to push that. I'll be running a smaller pump on a closed loop through a pair of cut down 100ml pipettes (once I figure out how to cut them) that will be aimed into the back corners of the tank.

The tank will be BB and the bottom will be sloped towards the front. I figure there is no reason I shouldn't allow gravity to help got all the 'stuff' to the front of the tank. The spray will help facilitate this.

There is (and will be) two Ehiem Aquaball powerheads in the tank. I'm going for a lots of sources of lower flow. I don't want concentrated flow to be coming from anywhere.

As far as the spray bar is concerned, it seems like the easiest way to blow the 'stuff' from the front to the back.

There will be a siphon break on the spraybar AND a check valve. I will probably also put a float switch in the tank for the return pump. I figure with 3 fail safes I should be o.k.

So I've been looking at the Mag7, maybe a Gen-X(I don't know which size), and the Eheim 1260 (very expensive). I'm open to other suggestions. I suppose the Mags must be decent pumps since everybody and their uncle seems to use them.
I agree on the Mag 7 in your case, your limited by the cpr & you don't want to exceed that. On such a small tank I think you can do this easily, plan your holes from smaller at the beginning & gradually making larger down the bar & drill a small (angled down) hole below the water line. On the check valve, use caution with it & clean it often.