Need some advice with my tank

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jammet- You writing is very well spoken and polite. I wish my posts turned out with the tone that your's carry.

I gotta say, I dont mind it on rocks. It doesnt perticularly do anything for me, but I dont mind it on the rocks. If there was some method that could prevent it from sticking to the glass (that doesnt require me doing any regular maintence), then I wouldnt mind it. The way it is though, the glass just seems to be a magnet for it. In about 1 week after scrapeing, I get little pepper flake sized speckles all over the glass. Next week they are little 1mm spots. In the next few weeks, they sprout into dime sized patches, which is when it begins to block my ability to look into the tank, and I scrape it off and the cycle repeats itself over again.

If I ever did a top view only tank, I wouldnt mind coraline. As it is though, it just seems like a big needless hassle.
When I need a hassle, my racecar is always ready to supply me with a copious hassle variety pack, I dont like having my relaxing hobby trying to chip-in a monthly donation as well. :)

Thanks! I have been reading posts for a while but I felt I should join up to make posts as well.


Thank you for the compliment, I spend most of my day talking to large companies over email. My spelling has not improved much but being nice I think has. I like how you write your posts though, a lot more forward and you do not seem afraid to do something different.

I can agree with your outlook on the coraline, you could always bake your rocks first. I ran a saltwater store for a friend of mine a while back, there was a guy who came in and only wanted base rock. He hated coraline as well, he would cure them in a fully enclosed dark tank in his DIY stand to force it to turn white. He never had any in his tank that I could find.
Welcome to RF jammet. Thanks for the compliment about my tank! :) It's taken me 2 years now to get this thing filled with water.

Ok, my params as per Salifert test kits, tested 10 mins ago.

Salinity 1.026 or 35ppt, Alkalinity 8.0 dKH 2.9 meq/L, PH 8.3, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrates 5. Didn't test Calcium (it takes forever to do that test) :)

BTW I've worked for the past 2 days to get these params where they should be.

Everything is looking good to me! This is getting MUCH more exciting for me. This will be fun to fill.
I love coralline. It can be a little bit of a pain to scrape but I happen to have easy access to a jointer or two to make my own scrapers so no prob :D . I use two 150 gal rubbermaid horse troughs to cure and grow out live rock in. I have used 40 watt T12 bulbs, power compacts and now T-5's. They all work well but I am in love with T-5's. They kick butt. I have used actinics and either a 50/50 or 20K for coralline, for over a decade, but when Steve at Pacific Coast came out with his 150 watt HQI hanging pendants I bought a couple to hang over the tubs. For about 6 months I didn't get off my butt and put the other lights over the tubs because the coralline was going nuts with just those two 10k, 150 watt halides...... so, I would say that as long as your water is healthy and you keep the calcium, magnesium and trace elements up, your coralline should grow. (I also really like Purple-up. It's easy to use and has the correct additives for coralline.)
imo coralline is a sign of a healthy tank i have some nice reds and oranges that grow on 1 rock i should scrape it but cant be bothered
liveforphysics i wish purple coralinne grew more on my glass cause i have a green strain that loves glass and that p's me off
becky if u can keep your ca at 500 then its no probs unlike mine of 600 where that all came from only the blenny knows lol i have a low dkh which is probley off set by the ca but my ph sits perfect at 8.4
tide changes in a day change the oceans sality level on shore from 1.23 to 1.26
i have seen coraline go crazy under 10ks at my lfs compared to the tank with 20ks and they were both set up at the same time corals love 10s and so dose coralline but they do grow well under antinics so if u have got any live stock u could run your T5s 24 7 and boost the growth
good luck and where is the pic of this tank? im suprised no one has hit u up for it yet good luck but i dont think u need it