Need some advice

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Jan 6, 2008
Gilbert, AZ
Hey guys it has been a while since I have been on here. It seems that a lot has changed. However, I am in need of some serious advice. Advice from anyone that has used, or has knowledge of these parts, or just anyone that wants to chime in.

My reeflo pump is going out, and reeflo does not carry this line anymore. The volute was damaged from the move to Arizona, and is letting air in, it has a huge crack in the front of the wet end that until lately was not a major issue. It is pulling air and makes the tank look like a giant skimmer, which I believe can be attributing to my hair algae issue. Not the only thing, but a part of it. The bearings are going out and it makes a horrible screeching sound.

So with that being said, I know that reeflo pumps are tried and tested, and are awesome pumps. But they suck down a lot of wattage, and in Az at almost .69 cents a kilowatt, it matters. I am looking for something that is suitable for 180 gallon tank with a remote refugium located about three feet away tucked into a nice little closet, but also energy efficient. I have been looking at the WAVELINE 12000. I like that it is controllable, but the energy consumption is what I like the most.

Has anyone on here ever used one, if so, is it a strong pump, is it quiet enough, is it durable, how long have you used it. Being submersible what heat transfer have you seen? Any bit of information would be greatly appreciated.
As I was putting together a new equipment list for my 233, I started looking at the dc pumps. But this was for a closed loop pump rather than a return pump.
I looked at several different brands and just when I was about to make the buy I would see a thread on one forum or another about someone having a problem with them.
Seems like it was either the controller or the pump itself. So I would start researching a different brand and the same thing would happen. This happened several times.

I saw a ad for a reeflo dart/snapper on RC and kind of kept that in the back of my mind while I kept looking.

The other pump I really considered using was the Fluval SP6 or the SP4.
They seemed really solid and I could no bad reviews.

I ended up buying the reeflo. It's been a quiet, strong pump so far.
Reeflo tried and true. And you went with the dart/snapper hybrid? I know that the reeflo pumps are excellent pumps, I just wish that they were a little more energy efficient. In the end I will probably end up with the reeflo. Thanks for the help.
I didn't really consider energy savings.
I figure I have a little banked energy after going all led. lol

But like I said, if I hadn't run into a great deal on a brand new dart/snapper hybrid, I may have gone with a Fluval SP6, plumbed externally
I looked into the fluval 6, it seems like a great pump. Was wondering what your thoughts were on a slower flow refugium. To me it makes sense that you have more contact time, and the skimmer would also have more time to process. I was always under the assumption that higher flow at least 20x turnover is needed, but is it really needed. Would 4 times be sufficient. With the distance my water travels and the amount of constriction, I assume that the return is pretty much cut in half.
When I first started using a sump/drilled tanks, I always thought I wanted the most flow I could get from a return pump. After all, we need lots of flow in the tank, right?
But there just seemed like there were problems with that idea. Micro bubbles in the display tank, excess noise from the overflow and the pump itself. I also found myself trying to use pumps that were too much for my system and having to use valves to slow them down. Spending money for too large a pump when a slower, cheaper pump would work.
Then there was the issue of contact time in the sump.

So for about the last 20 years I have gone with less flow from my return pump and eliminated several headaches. The whole 3x to 5x the tank volume through the sump has been working for me.
I know a lot of people do the opposite, but this is what I like with my tanks.
The down side of the slower flow, is I've noticed my macro algaes don't seem to grow as well in the slower flow, so to remedy that I added a powerhead in the refugium area ( tunze 6045) and the chaeto growth is pretty darn good. Along with a good refugium light.
Now for flow in the tank, I'm using a closed loop pump and a Vortech MP40 and may get a second one.
Awesome, I think I have found my pump. Now, I get to redo my sump area and lots of plumbing.

With that being said, I sure miss you guys up there. Ever since I moved to Phoenix, he clubs down here do not seem to share the warm hobbyist, friendly atmosphere. It seems to be mostly business down here.
as far as slow flow fuge, my theory is everything is happening in the display tank...everything we want to process and clean. so get that water to the sump as fast as possible and put the skimmer in contact with the dirtiest water possible and let it have a crack at it. contact time is something that happens inside the skimmer!