Need tang/fish advice

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There is no way I could of used anything bigger unless I drilled more holes. I have a PCX40 and a PCX55 that will be used or sold too. I guess I could look into a CL setup like the one on Melev's site. I liked the Dart for its sound characteristics too.
My yellow tang has always been fine with blue, sailfin & lipstick tangs, but just recently he beat a new powder blue tang to death. Yellow is still totally non-aggressive with every other fish. Ultimately I would like another powder blue, but is there any way to ensure they co-exist peacefully?
My yellow tang has always been fine with blue, sailfin & lipstick tangs, but just recently he beat a new powder blue tang to death. Yellow is still totally non-aggressive with every other fish. Ultimately I would like another powder blue, but is there any way to ensure they co-exist peacefully?

This probably should be its own thread...but I would recommend that after any new addition has gone through its QT time, and you are ready to add it to your main try totally re-arranging your rockwork. This tends to disrupt the territory boundaries our fish have setup, and helps keep the new addition more on even footing as far as pecking order in the tank.
Definitely should be its own thread.

Established Yellow Tangs are quite often very aggressive and protective of their 'tank rights.' :D I don't particularly care for this fish but I took one to help out a friend. His Yellow was so aggressive it would attack and kill any new entry into the tank, even non-Tangs.:evil:

He gave me the Tang and I put it in my 300 with all the other established Tangs. Now that Yellow was the chasee! :exclaim: I thought my Powder Brown was going to kill it, but it survived. Then the Desjardini took over on the chase. Finally the Yellow found its new niche in the pecking order and that niche is pretty low. It's quite well behaved. . .now! :eek: It went through a few humiliating mental adjustments though.:badgrin:

Ed gives good advice, but I would go further for additional insurance. After the new Tang is ready to add to the display tank, put the Yellow Tang into the quarantine tank. Make the landscape changes. Keep the Yellow in the quarantine tank a few weeks, then re-introduce it into the display tank. :) If at all possible, look for a Powder Blue that seems to be 'forward' or 'braver.'
I agree, and think that most territory issues are caused by fish being under fed. Fish that feed very aggresive are usually under fed and are preoccupied with where their next meal is going to come from. They get nasty just as any animal would.

I'm starting a new thread to ask for more info. on "how much is enough?" (food)
Just to update, I had a sailfin and kole tang in QT while the yellow is in the frag tank. My display is still tang-less. :(

Unfortunately at the 3 week mark, ich showed up and the kole died before I knew what was up. One day eating and swimming and the next he was gone. The Sailfin is now undergoing cupramine treatments which appear to be going well. Looks like it will be awhile before I get my tangs swimming in the display. I need some rock clean up done too !
My sailfin is coming off its copper treatment soon. I really liked the looks of the Kole so I was planning on adding another.
The kole I am looking at is about the size of the yellow. I figure they should be ok as they are different families but at this point, I will add the Yellow last.

If I add the sailfin and the kole at the same time and then wait a few weeks to add the yellow, do you think this will be an issue? This will give the kole and the sailfin time to get the lay of the land and with the yellow being put in last, he should a bit easier going ... hopefully.

I am going to try to add a flasher wrasse as well.
Has your display been fishless or just tang free? I hope the ich isn't already in the display. This is often the case when Ich shows up on a new tang introduction.
The sailfin and the Kole were in QT when they developed Ich. They were never in my display system. Everything in my system has been there for 3+ years except for a Flame Angel that I QT'd for 10+ weeks. It never required treatment though.

My 180 has been running for about 3 months. I tore down a 75 gal that had been up for 4 years. I left the Yellow tang and 2 damsels in the frag tank to see what my stocking plans were going to be.

My setup is:
180 RR display
100 gal frag tank and a 100 gal sump
33 gal refugium
Fish in 180:
Percula Clown 12yrs old!
Royal gramma
Flame Angel
Yellow watchman goby
Fish in the Frag tank:
Yellow tang
2 YT damsels

If I add the sailfin and the kole at the same time and then wait a few weeks to add the yellow, do you think this will be an issue?
Just realized you had a question in that previous post. :oops:

That should be a good sequence. :)