Need to kill off aiptasia

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We have one matted file fish for both our tanks, my wife has a 37 gal and I the 65 gal. our matted file fish takes care of ALL our Aptisia problems and we NEVER add outside chemicals to our tanks. I wish I could figure out the photo adding on this darn iPad so I can show our tanks. Guess like I'll have to get up on turn on the computer lol lazy day.
Tried that a little while ago it didn't work, had 3 of them at one time

I have heard this soooo many times. I have always had good luck with peppermints. I think the problem is how much you feed your tank. I usually feed every third day when I have aiptasia and using shrimp to clean them up. It has worked the last 5 times. Give it a try and see if it works for you.
how big is your tank? If 70+ as others mentioned, get a copperband butterfly, they will clean your tank of aptasia and you will never see them again. Its a cool fish anyways, you just need to get it to eat.
My peppermint shrimp didn't touch mine until I mutilated my aiptasia with a little joe's juice or a knife. They were good at getting rid of the small ones, I think the big ones were just a little intimidating