Neptunes first tank: 125DT 55Sump

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Blenny is in. swam up to a rock and perched. Been watching me for an hour. I will call him scooter!

The arrow crab went in and went to town right away. I will call him bert!

Snails i put in and righted them a.. Cant remember which ones are the kind that cant right them selves. but most of them haven't moved yet. only a couple have. So I'm un-descided which ones are alive ect. I guess Ill find out in a couple days.
Old school thought was that bristtle worms were bad. But they are not. They are a great addition to your clean up crew by feeding off of the detrus in the sand and left over foods. When they get to about 4-6 inches then I would think about capturing them and removing them. Untill then they are fine. Encheania (sp) worms are a different story. Those you do not want in your system as they wil get very large and will begin to take fish.
man its frustrating because I know they are good cuc, but they are so hard to keep in check. im amazed how fast they breed. i literaly can look on every rock and count 3-4. imagine what I cant see and on the back sides of the rocks, i cleaned my filter sock after a couple weeks, and there was dozens in the bag. i think Ill just eliminate them and use other means as filtration. too bad, they can be good i under stand, but they infest so quickly. maybe i can get a fish that eats them. it would certainly be a lot less aggressive and accurate than an arrow crab, that would let a good portion grow, but the larger ones would get gobbled up easy. any ideas?
man its frustrating because I know they are good cuc, but they are so hard to keep in check. im amazed how fast they breed. i literaly can look on every rock and count 3-4. imagine what I cant see and on the back sides of the rocks, i cleaned my filter sock after a couple weeks, and there was dozens in the bag. i think Ill just eliminate them and use other means as filtration. too bad, they can be good i under stand, but they infest so quickly. maybe i can get a fish that eats them. it would certainly be a lot less aggressive and accurate than an arrow crab, that would let a good portion grow, but the larger ones would get gobbled up easy. any ideas?

If they are breeding, they are eating which means you have more than enough nutrients to keep them alive and they are taking up what would other wise probably cause other problems for you with phosphates and nitrates. They will eventually level off as their food supply decreases if you are not over feeding or over stocking.

If your tank was 'infested' with pods would you be trying to get rid of them? Nope. The worms are just as valuable.

You could always set up a trap and sell them once you catch them. ISPF gets a pretty penny for the little buggers.
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If your tank was 'infested' with pods would you be trying to get rid of them? Nope. The worms are just as valuable.


I think Ill see about keeping them. Ive seen some HUGE bristle worms. 8-10" in length. That is what I'm worried about. i don't know if they prey on fish. But I definitely don't want that kind of scenario happening.

I think Ill see about keeping them. Ive seen some HUGE bristle worms. 8-10" in length. That is what I'm worried about. i don't know if they prey on fish. But I definitely don't want that kind of scenario happening.

Wow, over 8"! That is cool. You should snap a pic of that thing.
Hey I was thinking about something on you overflow. It may be too late and that is ok, but did you consider a way to hide it benind you rock wall?
Wow, over 8"! That is cool. You should snap a pic of that thing.
Hey I was thinking about something on you overflow. It may be too late and that is ok, but did you consider a way to hide it benind you rock wall?
Hear is a bristle worm for ya!

As for the foam wall hiding the over flow. That is possible, but very very difficult, and I didn't want to try it on my first build. Now that I know what to do I can do it relatively easy on my next one. Basically the wall was built 6 months prior to the tank getting setup.However, I plan to put different colored star polyps on the over flow to help mask it. Plus it will be covered in Coraline one day anyways, so what difference does it really make when compared to every other over flow out there?

The way to do it next time is simple:
1 set up tank and stand.
2 Put in the over flow bar, but don't glue it(don't worry the tank wont leak when you fill it)
3 Fill it with water
4 Find out where the water level sits(no matter how perfect you build the stand, it will always sit slightly off balance when you add the tank with all that water.
5 adjust the bar as needed so it sits level with the water surface.
6. Drain the tank.
7. Mark it, and then glue it in place
8. Lay the tank on its side and foam the wall directly to the glass surface. It will stick to the glass. And covering up the overflow.
9. If done correctly you simply place it back on top of the stand and fill it back up. However, this means you cant move your tank to a different location without some degree of difficulty "Calibrating" it to the new surroundings.

I will do it this way next time for sure. Having the foam wall directly attached makes it easier to seal it from debris. Ya, its permanent, but I don't see any point in taking a foam build out anyway. If you ever need to break down the tank just set it out side and let it dry. It will stink, but eventually it will cure in the sun just fine.
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After a lot of thought, I broke down and got a few more inhabitants. The tank should be able to handle everything just fine, so I'm not stressed,people add stuff much faster all the time with less filtration.And its nothing a water change cant handle.

I picked up a baby yellow watchman goby and matching tiger pistol. They are both extremely young so will grow up together hopefully. Also I got a 4" engineer goby. In theory, these new additions should help the Lawnmore blenny feel more comfortable.

I also picked up some mixed food. there is this nasty smelling red sludge that cost me 20 bucks for a small pack, but it was packed with all kinds of goodies.

Within seconds of it hitting the water everyone made a mad dash for it! snails, hermits...even the super shy blenny stuck his head out. I think I found a winner! This stuff was pricy, but evidently it got everyone's attention.
took a few shots.

Scooter chilling on a rock. He now seems to be comfortable letting me see him. But he still doesn't venture far from the cave.

Bert scrambling after some raw shrimp, man everyone goes ape over rod fish food. its smelly, and bloody. and $20 for a packet.
But wow does everyone scramble after it.

bert takes a wad in each claw, and stuffs his face with a third clump.

The new guy:

Hes super laid back. Lets the glass cleaner move all around him, he doesn't freak out. I was worried when I flipped on the lights, he looked pale, but after 30 min his yellow came back. I guess thats normal. I think he might like the corner of the tank. Hes been there all evening. I also got him to gobble up some bits of rods concoction.

The engineer was hiding in a hole so i couldn't get a shot of him. Im really thinking I might upgrade my camera soon. I get ok shots from this handy cam...but I want to take my photography to the next level. Anyone with knowledge on this topic?
So how is the tank doing? Any new progress?

Got a few new fish last week. Lost a crab and a fish two days apart. Both were found on the floor, dry :(

The lawn more blenny never did eat, he eventually died. I tried everything I could think of. Pellets,mysis,brine,algae,nori, even ready mixxed food. The best I got was a nibble, but he never ate. An emerald died mysteriosly...I ran a battery of tests and everything was great. Old age maybe? he was pretty big.

Im only out $35,everything together, so its nota major loss. But I am installing a 2" rim around the tank to prevent more jumpers.

I got an outbreak of cyano 2 weeks ago, and pursued it aggressively. Its now down to a sliver of its former glory. I will finish off the remainder in the coming weeks.

Algae was beginning to outpace my CuC, so I flipped on the switch for the carbon reactor last week, its already at about half what it was just a week ago.As a bonus, the water is looking much cleaner as well. Ive seen bad tanks, and Ive seen super pristine. I was somewhere around "B-" quality and now Im around what I consider "B"

The diatom bloom has significantly subsided, and is only apparent along the edges of the glass where you can see the sand below the surface. Otherwise its pretty much gone.

I began dosing minute amounts of purple-up(about 1/4 recommended dose). It stimulates Coraline growth, and 2 weeks later, I have dozens of spots scattered around the tank. The base rock is now getting flecks of coraline as well.

The Cuc is at full strength, and the bottom feeder fish are also in place. I added 5 peppermints, and 5 sand sifting crabs(they look like peanuts...not crabs). Obviously I rarely see either...but once in a while I catch a glimps.

The sump was browning up, so I tossed in half dozen snails/hermits, now its looking pretty nice, plus they pick the rocks n stuff clean. Speaking of sump, the scrubber got an upgrade. I doubled up the screen and roughed it up real good. Now I get awesome Growth and clean a side each eek. This alternates so two weeks go by between a side getting cleaned. This way I always have at least one side with nice growth on it. My water has never checked above barely register able in the amonia/trite/trate department(so far I get 0's with the occasional .1-.25( I ordered a second set of test kits just to make sure that I wasnt in error. But both check identicle. All other params are optimal including calcium/mag/alk. But I wont be doing corals for another 3-5months.

Rightnow I will keep everything as is till december, but then Ill add a couple more larger fish.
Current stock list:

Lawnmore blenny(got a new one the other day, he is an eater!)
Royal Gramma
4 blue chromis
Engineer goby
Watchmen goby
Tiger pistol shrimp.
Bicolor blenny.
Sally lightfoot crab(that thing has worked its away across the tank from one side to the other...eating a path of algae destruction.
Assorted snails and hermits.

I know its a small list for such a large amount of water. But I feel comfortable moving at this pace. Since the tnak is 2 months old. I am not seeing any spikes, so im sure everything is happy.I began with WELL established LR so it was already loaded with lots of benificial stuff which is a good reason why things are so stable.
I also started making my own fish food. I get the raw meats at the deli and blend my own brew. They go ape sht over it! When I come in the room every one follows me back and forth hoping for a treat.

hmmmm what else... oh the bristle worms are AWESOME!! they tend to themselves, population thins out and expands as needed. So I always have jsut the right amount.

I got a super rad twin arc MH bulb. It does 10k and 20k spectrum. On a cold start it goes blue, then after it warms up i flip it off a few min...thenback on and get the yellow 10k. The idea is to have it on a time so that while your away you can have optimal growth, but when you get home it fires to the pleasing blue tone. Works really nice. Im happy. Also got 2 T5's for the nice actinic blue look as well. I like the twin arc, so Im gonna order 2 more in the next month or two...but no rush since im not doig corals for a little while longer.

My current project is the removal of overflow bar. Im really not happy with it, so I thnk I will remove it and replace it with something else. I dont hate it, but I dont like it either. If I ever do something like it again I will incorperate it into the foam wall itself, instead of in front of it. It blocks a little light, not a drastic amount, but I think enough to make me want to remove it. But I think the real problem is that it no longer skims water like it used too. The water level rises 1/2" above the bar now, wich means It might be getting clogged up, and requires pressure to force the water in. I havent decided yet, what exactly im gonna do,but the logistics is feasible since I dont really have anything that will suffer if I drain out half the tanks water for an afternoon. Also the asthetics of the tank I feel would be more pleasing witht he ugly white bar removed. The more I look at it, the more I dont want to see it. Even if it was covered in GSP(which was my original plan).

Cant really think of much else going on. Maybee Ill put up some shots after the overflow upgrade.
With a DSLR ^_^
Honestly its just embarrassing to show grainy blurry pictures from my cheap handy cam.
Maybe Ill score one to borrow for the afternoon or something from someone local.