New 120 _ Ideas Please

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Active member
Feb 11, 2005
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
My sources "leaked" that I will be getting a 120 (pre-drilled) with double overflow boxes for Christmas. This is an addition and will not replace any of my other tanks. My 72 gal is now becoming a full blown reef tank with SPS and I will keep it that way. The new tank will be strictly a FOWLRwith a DSB. Right now I'm looking for ideas about how to set it up -- particularly the twin overflows. Thinking about one for the sump and one for flow, etc. Recommendatons and ideas about equipment, stocking, etc are very welcome. My other tanks survived as I put them together with minimum planning and maximum adjusting and changing. This one I would like to be the opposite....I have leqrned patience!! Thanks.
I hope your leak wasn't an "April fools" type prank! (LOL JK) That's a great Christmas gift IMO...Wish it were me!

I've often wondered the same thing about using dual overflows. Do you hook them both up to a sump or one to the sump and the other for flow? I guess that will be something someone who has dual overflows would have to answer. I just wanted to say congrats on your new setup! Make sure you start up a thread showcasing it now(LOL) Any plans for which type of fish you will be keeping? Nevertheless, I'm sure it will be a great setup. Best of luck!
I have 2 drains on my 180 and both are plumbed to the sump. Yes it is a fail-safe.
I would think there would be too many bubbles in a overflow to use it as a source for a closed loop, if that was what you were planning.
Both are plumbed to the sump

Hi Acemart and welcome to ReefFrontiers It sounds like Santa delivered in Idaho:D Good for you! I have a 150 All-Glass with dual over flows And I have both drianing to the sump My sump is an Oceanic #4 = 45 gallon unit I am currently running a Mag drive 24 for both side with a 1875 GPH center Gen-X pump for a center line and chiller Loop. IMHO I think since you are going with a Fish only system with LR and a sand bed If you tank has dual overflows they sould be rated about 2500-2800 GPH flow for return to the sump. If you want more you will have to go with a close loop.. Good luck and please show us some shots :D
I mean after you open it;)

finn said:
I have 2 drains on my 180 and both are plumbed to the sump. Yes it is a fail-safe.
I would think there would be too many bubbles in a overflow to use it as a source for a closed loop, if that was what you were planning.
Finn & Apprentice, Are your drains plumbed individually into the sump or do they merge into one common drain? How about returns...single return pump that "y's" to both returns? (Hope I asked that right?
I have both my drains, which are 2" pvc plumbed to the sump with separate lines.
One of my return pump is plumbed over the top and down to the bottom, back, for a bottom spray bar. The other pump is used for a top of the tank spray bar.
Plumbed individually yes

Yes they are Acemart I have both drains coming down a dursa overflow into a Oceanic bio chamber this is to used with bio balls but I have used live rock in this chamber instead then I Have my mag drive plumbed in a Y to both supply sides I posted some shots HTH...Jeff

acemart said:
Finn & Apprentice, Are your drains plumbed individually into the sump or do they merge into one common drain? How about returns...single return pump that "y's" to both returns? (Hope I asked that right?
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Which Aqua C are you using

Hi again Acemart I have a total of 3 Aqua C skimmers I am using A remora and a Remora Pro in a sump like the urchin Model, and I have a Urchin Pro.
HTH ...Jeff

acemart said:
Which Aqua C are you using? And where?
I'm starting to consider what type and size of sump to have...either DIY (which is not my strength) or an off the shelf. Although I will not be doing any corals other than perhaps mushroom and a few zoos for color, I am commited to superior water qualtiy. Therefore, I will not do bio-balls or things such as that, but rely upon a DSB, live rock and a good in-sump protein skimmer. I will put my heaters and return pump in the sump as well. My initial plan is a 4-5' DSB and about 150-170 lbs of live rock. I will probably go with PC lighting, most likley 4X96 watts including actinics and moonlights. I am open to arguments for T-5's or VHO's if anyone would like to tell me why they might be better or more appropriate -- better PAR, cheaper, cooler, less replacement costs, better Kelvin choices, etc. I'm open to any and all advice. Hopefully, this thread will help those wanting to upgrade or just start out.