New? Bio Sea Marine salt .

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Old salty

On another note, I found the idea of you going on to RAG and becoming a paying member quite clever and very amusing. Alas, it wasn't you or your idea. I will do what I can to allow other RAG members to know that this person is not you. I do this as a gesture of kindness

Well thanks but you really don't need to do anything. I'm just letting it go. You speak of childish, well that is about the worst I have seen. Your two leaders over there are about the two childish ones I have ever seen and I think you know that, not that it is an excuse for me.

Yes I did invite you here but last night I just kinda flipped out.

If you would have posted what you just posted on your salt tests to begin with I would not have said squat and I doubt Maxx would have either. Me flipped out or not. Looked to me like you were trying to mislead. And right after that "Boomer" review post was your post. You always just seem to show up at the wrong time. Yes you are welcome here, I meant what I said. We got off on a bad foot again....sorry

Technically, you might think that 5 people with the exact same salt and the same test kits would come up with the same results. The variations with refractometers, following instructions, and a few other things one would normally not think of, come in to play

Oh yes they always come into play. It has always been a big issue and problem. This was part of Habib's reasoning a few years ago when he sent out free test kits. Some got kits came with known sample concentrations and some got kits with unknown sample concentrations and then reported the results.

As far as Elos goes I have had many talks on the phone with Jesse and will be talking to him at MACNA. I really think they are trying to go in the right direction. Jesse is a great guy IMHO.

Again sorry for the bad post last night.
I, along with four or five other people, were sent salt from the same batch and test kits from the same batch. This was for an experiment that had to do with using the same salt, same kits, and post mixing results. It was done in order to find out where some of the variables in the hobby come from. Technically, you might think that 5 people with the exact same salt and the same test kits would come up with the same results. The variations with refractometers, following instructions, and a few other things one would normally not think of, come in to play. One person reading 1200 Mg and the other 1400 Mg; finding out where this difference comes from was the beginning. As hobbyists, we tend to make mistakes that professionals do not. This became very apparent during the first few weeks.

Fair enough. I had not thought of this as a reason for sending everyone the product from the same batch. It makes sense when explained....;)

So far, I seem to be one of two people that have actually tried this product; one had a tank crash, I did not. Some offered their biases towards the actual manufacturer in lieu of any real experience. It is no wonder that new hobbyists are confused; getting opinions on products from people who have never used said product.

Was the other person able to determine why his/her tank crashed?
You make a valid point about not having used a product, but offering an opinion about its worth. However, I've been privvy to many discussions with MDP and in every single one of them, he's portrayed himself as someone who is more interested in making money than actually helping others. With the blatant and obnoxious shills for his own product and nasty bashing of competitors products, and his arrogant, and incredibly rude behaviour towards anyone who had the audacity to question the information he was providing as gospel......I dont trust my critters with anything the guy does.
I really wish I could post up some of the things he's said in PM' would definately understand my, and many others view point then.

Tank has two clams, about 50 lbs of LR, 7 small fish and two medium tangs.

So the only calcium using inhabitants of your tank are the two clams? What kind of clams are they and how large are they?

Thank you for taking the time to clarify your position. I do appreciate it.


I made a post on RAG that stated the Boomer on RAG is probably not the Boomer on RC or RF. I then edited my post to remove any ambiguity ("probably" was removed.) This is the best I can do; I am not a site moderator and I do not possess the computer skills to change anything on the site. The fact that I was the first to respond to the post at RAG was nothing more than coincidence; I had to be at work yesterday (holiday) and had lot's of free time on my hands. I merely stated that I would have liked to have seen some of the more high end test kits involved in that (or any) study, and that I would have even donated my personal test kits to the project had I known about it earlier. I'm all about learning.


I think I may have read too fast, as I interpreted Scooterman's post on the first page to mean his tank crashed when he tried Bio Sea.

You are correct; the only calcium utilizing organisms are two crocea clams; each are about four inches when closed. I would not expect a tank setup like mine to utilize much calcium or alkalinity. I believe that this is the type of setup where Bio Sea salt would be best utilized.

It was not my intention to stir up old grudges; I was only attempting to offer some up to date information to a fellow reefer that was asking about a product.

I'm not going to get in the middle of this. I actually really like Marine Environment salt but I'm not going to get into what brand of salt is better, worse, or why. Years ago (on RAG in fact) I got a bad batch of IO salt and I got attacked so bad for merely stating that fact that I pretty much avoid salt threads now.

I'm just here to remind people that we do have a user agreement here, just like there's one on RS, just like there's one on RAG. In fact, I had a hand in helping Travis and Teri in creating RS's user agreement. I have been highly involved in all 3 of these boards under my Curtswearing username and I don't want to see ANY interboard fighting regarding salt, board policies, yada, yada, yada. All three boards mean too much to me for that so let's all pause and take a second to re-read our posts before hitting enter.

Thanks in Advance,

OK Salty

Thanks :D


There is nothing going on anymore :) It is just that...................bothers some of us when it comes up. Some of us need to find a way to bury this but as you know it is hard to do. Friends keep telling me not to stoop to that level, I'm better than that. Maybe I have had enough in the last month and need to turn to a new page.

take a second to re-read our posts before hitting enter

My big issue when upset. :(
There is nothing going on anymore :) It is just that...................bothers some of us when it comes up. Some of us need to find a way to bury this but as you know it is hard to do. Friends keep telling me not to stoop to that level, I'm better than that. Maybe I have had enough in the last month and need to turn to a new page.

We got mad, adjusted, and grieved together. I have to deal with emotions every once in a while as well. It's like a scab got picked off too soon and now it's bleeding again so I partially understand. No one has set up a fake user name of Curtswearing so I can't fully understand. That would really tick me off.

take a second to re-read our posts before hitting enter

My big issue when upset. :(

I have to remind myself of this on occasion.....been there, done that. :cry: