Shoulda been a fish!
Grats you are going to love the new toy(s)!
Cool same camera.. Nice...Yup... the exact same one. Did you order it already? If not for not much more you can get the T1i. It does HD videos. It replaced the XSI. I bought my XSI a few months before the T1i came out. I was a little ticked when I saw the T1i for pretty much the same price and it is capable of HD videos.
Yup... the exact same one. Did you order it already? If not for not much more you can get the T1i. It does HD videos. It replaced the XSI. I bought my XSI a few months before the T1i came out. I was a little ticked when I saw the T1i for pretty much the same price and it is capable of HD videos.
Sweet, congrats! My old tusty XSi served me well. Also, I believe the Tamron 90mm macro that I use is a bit cheaper(by about 600 bucks) then the Canon 100mm macro, if you wanted to give it a shot first.
I would love to try it but I did find a 100mm macro for 550$?
heres the link!
sorry it is 519$
Sweet, congrats! My old tusty XSi served me well. Also, I believe the Tamron 90mm macro that I use is a bit cheaper(by about 600 bucks) then the Canon 100mm macro, if you wanted to give it a shot first.
I may be getting that one instead..
I may get it sooner than later.
On that note.. do macro's come with image stabilization?
good deal adam!cant wait to see the tank pics when you get it