New Coral Food - WOW

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I would think if CF has Astaxanthin in it they would list it, they seem to list a lot of stuff they have it in. I have noticed that the cyclopeeze that I have now has little white specks in it and the stuff I bought a couple of years ago doesn't have that in it. I wonder what that is?

I do have to agree with you, Beer is definitely OK. :)
Hey Turd, take your arguement up with Coca-Cola and you and me will be rich.

From the responses ive heard about this stuff it seems to have some great success so far.
So far, everything in my tank has really reacted well to it.

A fellow reefer gave me a flame scallop(bad move I know) because it was dying in his tank and it seems to be doing a lot better now that I am feeding it. I will try and get a pic of it on Friday, if anybody is interested.
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Jiddy - Your signature is pretty funny. My cousins grew up at the base of the Black Hills and we used to laugh because nobody knew what they were. :)
This is a crazy bunch of people who seem to love any and all types of Marine-related photos, im sure everyone would be interested in seeing them (key word-THEM-meaning more than one)


PS. I told you they were crazy(they being the voices)
Actually, CP contains about 1500 - 2000 ppm, while RR contains about 250ppm. In fact, it's the only ingredient listed which islisted on the container ( freezer bar)

I wonder if it goes good with Vodka dosing ?? :)
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- Cyclopeeze is made from a large sized decapod

- Reef-roids is made from marine planktons and zoo planktons (much much smaller than decapods)

- Coral frenzy I have not seen or used.
finn said:
Yes it's a monti, but I'm not sure exactly which sp. I have another monti that had a similar reaction, but I couldn't get a decent picture.
I was a little surprised that only a couple of the zoanthid colonies reacted. None of the larger palythoa and proto's really gave any reaction at all. I would guess that this is because the are use to larger food?
Finn, has you or somebody you know been able to use the Marc Weiss powders and compared them to the Coral Frenzy? If so, what was the difference. I am currently using the MW powders, but in using it I don't see any reaction out of the few corals that I have (although my blue damsel chases it all over to eat it) and I seem to have an abundance of red slime. I am not blaming the red slime on the product alone--but I think it might actually contribute to the problem.

Hi Everyone just thought I would try to clear up some confusion.

Coral Frenzy is not Reef Roids. They do not contain the same ingredients.

Coral Frenzy DOES NOT contain Cyclopeeze. Cyclopeeze is a decapod and is much larger in size than anything in Coral Frenzy.

Coral Frenzy is a blend of phytoplanktons, rotifers, and copepods. They phytoplankton helps to feed the tiny organisms in your tank that in turn feed your corals and the rotifers and copepods feed some of your larger corals that can handle food particles that size.
So my post got deleted since you thought I had created this account just to post a product "bash". I have been a lurker for about 6 months on this forum (and I find RF much more pleasant than any other forums) but it was only last night that I created an account to participate in this thread.

I do not mean to "bash" the product but I really do question the nutritional value of spray dried phytoplankton.

Coral Frenzy: You asked me in the response post as to show you how spray drying was bad?

First an introduction to spray drying:

Spray drying is an incredibly cost effective way of preserving foods. It is done very fast and is large batches of the product can be spray dried at once.

The product is sprayed into a fine mist into a large "oven". The oven is kept at around 200 degrees celcius. Sometimes higher. This causes all the liquid in the product to quickly evaporate and it forms a powder.

Phytoplankton is a plant material. I'm sure most of you have read that cooking a vegetable greatly lowers it's nutritional value. Imagine throwing a single celled plant into a 200 degrees celcius oven. You will destroy almost every enzyme and vitamin in there.

1) Sanjay Joshi also mentions that spray drying can ruin the nutritional value of phytoplankton.

2) JBNY, the owner of, discourages the use of spray dried phytoplankton as well. He used to use it in his reef for a while and had a very tough time controlling algae blooms.

3) Rob Tooney wrote a report on spray dried phytoplankton and how he tested for it's lack of nutrition.

4) I work in a flower preservation store in San Diego. I have been freeze drying things for over 5 years. And before that I had been in the spray drying industry for 7 years, I know my freeze-drying/spray drying processes INCREDIBLY well. I know that spray dried phytoplankton is not a good food product for corals. Over 50% of Coral Frenzy is made from spray dried phytoplanktons. That is my concern.

There are several threads on forums with algae outbreaks after using Coral Frenzy. I'm not trying to bash your product but am pointing out some factual information.

As for the freeze dried rotifers from, those are also incredibly nutrient rich (and also have a VERY tough time sinking) Most if it will go into your overflow and get skimmed out. Take a pinch of it and put it in a tablespoon of water and check the phosphate levels in that small amount of water.

Freeze dried rotifers from BSD were suggested as a coral food source years ago on RC. People tried it with bad results and that is why it remains as an fish aquaculture food where water quality is not nearly as big of an issue.

I have not used the other freeze dried products in the product, so I can not comment on those.

My post is NOT intended to bash your product. So I hope my post does not get deleted again. If you find my input offensive, then I apologize, but perhaps you can use input like this to possibly improve your product in the future?

Just because corals get a feeding response, it doenst' mean it's a good food source. If you take some flake food, grind it up to a dust and mix it with water and then squirt it on your corals. you will get an excellent feeding response as well. But do that for a week and tell me if your water quality is still up to snuff.
Brodie said:
Just because corals get a feeding response, it doenst' mean it's a good food source. If you take some flake food, grind it up to a dust and mix it with water and then squirt it on your corals. you will get an excellent feeding response as well. But do that for a week and tell me if your water quality is still up to snuff.

First off, please let me say I'm not lookin' to argue, and I am just a newbie, but I am also pretty observant. It seems to me that it's not just a 'feeding response' in my tank.

It appears I'm having better growth, better color-up, and no problems with ANY algae blooms at this time, (been just over a month of use) and the only difference between before and now is Coral Frenzy, it's doing something right. I have always added Kent's Coral Accel, but no noticible (to me) difference till I added the Coral Frenzy. Perhaps it's the combination...?

Were phyto the only ingredient in the CF, I could see it being considered the equivalent of f/d brine flakes, but even crushed Spirulina in combination with Coral Accel (before I started using the Coral Frenzy) did not show this type of growth spurt.

Soooo, if it is helping my pod population, giving corals 'better' colors and growth, and not causing noticible algae blooms or nitrate spikes...I'm all for it. If there is some other data out there slamming the product or it's ingredients, I am quite open-minded...
I showed everyone my results, lets see yours.

Of course, if it crashes my tank...I'll let ya know, lol.
Hey Zen Reeferer,

I saw your photos earlier and your brain certainly does react to the food.. But like I was saying earlier, I'm not debating the effectiveness of the food in triggering a feeding response. You will inevitably get a good feeding response from most dry particulate foods. Cyclopeeze, Reefroids, Coral Frenzy, Golden Pearls etc etc.

If you don't have nutrient issues using it and it works for you, then that's excellent. If the product works for you, then stick with it! =)

Some people love cyclopeeze. Some people love reefroids. Some people love golden pearls (some people think it causes algae problems) Some people feel that ESV spray dried phyto is a excellent and convenient product. Some people don't like it.

Spray drying things like milk and other products with highly proteinaceous cell walls is perfectly fine and the product's nutritional content is retained. However this is not the case for plant cell. And especially not single cell plants like phytoplankton.

Personally I question the use of spray dried phytoplankton in any kind of coral food. From my experience, spray dried phytoplanktons are nutritionally void and over time can cause nutrient issues. I believe that it is impossible for spray dried phytoplanktons to contain any useful amount of vitamins or enzymes. Vitamins and enzymes will degrade almost instantly at 200 degrees celcius.
Brodie your new post is much more like the kind of post we perfer at Reef Frontiers, as in one with a little bit of information attached to the thoughts. Personally I would like to see some info on nutrient loss with the use of spray drying. any chance for a link?

Not to be too paranoid here, but the first post and the wording of it, which buy the way was almost word for word from a post on www.brandx reef site sounds alot like an advertisement from a shill. In computer terms, spammer. The fact that Coral Frenzy responded makes me think it even more. USAgolf, not certain about you, are you a shill too?

Anyway I dont want this thread to get even farther off topic. So lets keep it on topic about the product itself. The balance of the matter can be answered in private, so whom ever wishes is more the welcome to pm me.

MCary said:
Not to be too paranoid here, but the first post and the wording of it, which buy the way was almost word for word from a post on www.brandx reef site sounds alot like an advertisement from a shill. In computer terms, spammer. The fact that Coral Frenzy responded makes me think it even more. USAgolf, not certain about you, are you a shill too?


If you are refering to MUCHO REEF's thread on Reef Central, yes I agree with you the wording is the same. Is he a spammer or a shill, no he is not. I do know he is a zoanthid fan.
So what if the company responded. They can post here too.
Im not sure I understand what you mean. We are sponsors on this site so I was responding to the post about our product. MuchoReef is a highly regarded zoo expert in the zoo world. I dont think he would be a spammer.
MCary said:
Not to be too paranoid here, but the first post and the wording of it, which buy the way was almost word for word from a post on www.brandx reef site sounds alot like an advertisement from a shill. In computer terms, spammer. The fact that Coral Frenzy responded makes me think it even more. USAgolf, not certain about you, are you a shill too?
