new custom 50g build! :D

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Mar 2, 2010
whidbey island
ok so a little background here... i am new to saltwater but not to fish. my husband and i have 2 55g fresh builds one all live planted and a 75g ciclid build. i work at home sitting dogs. i came across these ppl going on a 2 month vacation and needed a sitter for their pit mix and were also selling 2 saltwater aquariums. all fish and livestock were gone but the water and crushed coral was kept running. one is a 10g and the other a 26g. well anyway we traded dog sitting for the tanks. they have been with me for 6 months running and doing awesome.
so, on to the new build. we had inherited a custom built 50g tank from oir uncle. i came home from the store yesterday to my suprise to find my husband working on my stand! so we have the new lighting ordered and on the way tank all set up and half full of ro/di water no salt yet. after i add the salt and get the temp up i was going to add water from 26 and transfer over as if i were just doing a 50% water change...actually a little less than 50% when i add the 10g. i hope that will save me from a huge cycling waiting period... any advice on that? well here are pics for now.
last bit of pics. will update later when i add more stuff. again any advice on if doing half new saltwater and adding water and rock from my 26 like a 50ish% waterchange is totally welcome!
lol yeah we kinda just filled in all the empty wall space with aquariums... before long we could prolly start charging entry fees... lol.
well everything has been moved over and doing great. theyre all so happy and lovin it!:D

i have pics but it keeps sayin failed when i try to load them.... will try again later
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ok still wont let me load any pics... any ideas why it wont let me i made sure size and format was correct..... dunno. i do have a question. some of the live rock has skeletons of where corals used to be and a couple of them are starting to grow this aptasia?
You shouldn't have too much of a cycle switching over everything from your existing tanks, just try to get the water to be as similar as possible. I think the biggest thing would be don't go out and buy a lot of live stock right after the move, gradually increase it and you shouldn't notice much of a cycle.
okie trying to popst this with photobucket pics..




since this being set up i have added one watchman gobie and a green clown gobie. the clown gobie likes to perch on the toad stool and the watchman has made a nice little cave. really fun to watch. only corals lost sofar is one of the 3 kenya trees. started turning black and nasty. i cut as much of him off the rock as i could get. dont know if this was right way but only way i knew. other than that everyone has perked up and loves it!