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May 7, 2005
so. cal
hi everyone. i had a change of heart. i started to think about schooling fish the came up with this list.

Group #1
1-green clown goby (gobioudon atrangulatrus)
1-yellow clown goby (gobioudon okiwawee)
3-4-lubbock’s fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lubbocki)

3-4-green chromis (chromis viridi)
1-false percula clown (amphiprion ocellaris)
1-orcid dottyback (fridmani pseudochromis)

1-flameback angel brazilian (centopyge aurantonus)
1-blue hippon tang (paracanthurus hepatus)
1-yellow tang (zebrasoma flavescens)


1-cleaner shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis))
1-electric blue hermit crab (calcinus elegans)
2-emerald matrix crab (mithrax sculptus)
5-zebra hermit crabs (calcinus laevimanus)
5-red legged mex. hermit crab (clibanarius digueti)
1-red flame serpent starfish (ophioderma rubicundum)
1-tiger serpent starfish (ophiolepsis superba)
5-nassarius snail (nassarius vibex)
10-turbo snails (turbo fluctuosa)

ok what do you think is list possible??any sugggestions??

for those of you who have not seen my other post, here is my system and plan

I have a 72x18x20H tank about 150lbs of live rock with ½” sandbed. 45 gal sump with 30lbs of miracle mud and caulerpa. A sedra 1200gph and 586gph pump for the returm. Total circulating water 140gal. currently have 5 damsels in the sump. Will run like this for 6mo. Then add crabs and snails. (Creature list below ). Run with these for additional 3mo. Approx 8mo. tank running before first group goes in tank. damsels out. then add each group 1-2mo. Apart.
I like this list much better, however, I would toss in a second clownfish. For the fairy wrasse be sure to only have one male. I also don't know if I would do 2 schooling groups, as the list still seems on the heavy side, just my opinion though.
NaH2O said:
I like this list much better, however, I would toss in a second clownfish. For the fairy wrasse be sure to only have one male. I also don't know if I would do 2 schooling groups, as the list still seems on the heavy side, just my opinion though.

i think your right. i put out 2 schooling type hoping someone would give my an idea for one of them or another schooling fish i might not of though aboout yet. always thought getiing 2 clowns just put 1 on everything but the schoolers. starting to think of 5-7 green chromis and no lubbock wrasse. change the flamback to a flame angel. and add a lineatus wrasse.
i am having a hard time deciding on going with a school or the more traditional list like my other one. here is the list with these changes

Group #1
1-green clown goby (gobioudon atrangulatrus)
1-yellow clown goby (gobioudon okiwawee)
1-lineatus fairy wrasse (cirrhilabrus lineatus)

5-7-green chromis (chromis viridi)
2-false percula clown (amphiprion ocellaris)
1-orcid dottyback (fridmani pseudochromis)

1-flame angel (centopyge loriculus )
1-blue hippon tang (paracanthurus hepatus)
1-yellow tang (zebrasoma flavescens)
An even better list! Keep in mind that chromis don't always school together, especially once comfortable in their surroundings. The good thing about the plan you have in you begin to add your second group of fish, then you'll be able to tell whether or not you have to modify your final group. You will be able to watch the interaction and how much territorial pressure there is between all the fish. I have a 120 gallon tank with about 170 gallons total water, and right now I have 5 fish. I plan on adding a small school (~3 fish), but I'm not sure yet what they will be. Between the one Tang and the Rabbitfish, I don't think my tank can handle another large fish. Not because of filtration, but because of territory. The other thing I've noticed about your may want to think about adding some other types of snails. I like a variety, and you only have 2 species listed. I would toss some Trochus into the mix, as well as some Cerith to diversify.

Hope this helps!
yeah i put the wrong snails on the list just want 1-2 of those plus 10 astraea sails, will add more as needed as i go. yup your thinking is like mine 2 good size fish cuts into the mix pretty hard. the way i build my rock is more for the fish with lots of big arches, tunnels and a 2 foot area of more dense rock with smaller tunnels and stuff, put corals where ever they fit. i think i will end up with a rather light coral load. like you though not because of bio but area for the fish. biggest reason for making this list is good color diversity. thats what guides me. thanks for the input so far everyone.