New Hawaiian Fish Regulation: (Prepare for Hawaiian Fish Prices to increase)

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Staff Housemonkey
Jul 31, 2003

After years of rumblings, annual temblors with threats of legislation, and constant prophesies of doom for Hawaiian aquarium fishers—as well as mounting calls for a total ban on the marine aquarium trade—a landmark law has just been passed that will bring a sea change in the way a unique resource is used and managed in the volcanic islands of Hawaii.

The law will affect the West Hawaii Regional Fishery, the state’s largest exporter of fishes for the aquarium trade, aka the “AQ Fishery,” which is based on Big Island. The new legislation is the result of many calls for the abolishment of all livestock collection by anti-aquarium activists, as well as urgent proposals from marine scientists to enact science-based rules. While some fish collectors have resisted all change, many others have supported the implementation of workable rules and regulations to protect the fisheries and their own livelihoods. Some observers expect the legislation to spread, in one form or another, to other jurisdictions in the Aloha State.

More at link above.

The following are the only marine fishes that may be legally collected for sale in the marine aquarium trade. Species not on the list may not be taken in this area.

1. Yellow Tang, Zebrasoma flavescens

2. Chevron Tang, Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis

3. Goldring Surgeonfish, Ctenochaetus strigosus

4. Achilles Tang, Acanthurus achilles

5. Tinker’s Butterflyfish, Chaetodon tinkeri

6. Clown Tang, Naso lituratus

7. Forcepsfish, Forcipiger flavissimus

8. Goldrim Surgeonfish, Acanthurus nigricans

9. Potter’s Angelfish, Centropyge potteri

10. Fourspot Butterflyfish, Chaetodon quadrimaculatus

11. Yellowtail Coris, Coris gaimard

12. Ornate Wrasse, Halichoeres ornatissimus

13. Orangeband Surgeonfish, Acanthurus olivaceus

14. Bird Wrasse, Gomphosus varius

15. Eyestripe Surgeonfish, Acanthurus dussumieri

16. Multiband Butterflyfish, Chaetodon multicinctus

17. Saddle Wrasse, Thalassoma duperrey

18. Brown Surgeonfish, Acanthurus nigrofuscus

19. Flame Wrasse, Cirrhilabrus jordani

20. Thompson’s Surgeonfish, Acanthurus thompsoni

21. Peacock Grouper, Cephalopholis argus

22. Bluestripe Snapper, Lutjanus kasmira

23. Redbarred Hawkfish, Cirrhitops fasciatus

24. Psychedelic Wrasse, Anampses chrysocephalus

25. Hawaiian Whitespotted Toby, Canthigaster jactator

26. Fisher’s Angelfish, Centropyge fisheri

27. Hawaiian Dascyllus, Dascyllus albisella

28. Milletseed Butterflyfish, Chaetodon miliaris

29. Blacklip Butterflyfish, Chaetodon kleinii

30. Pyramid Butterflyfish, Hemitaurichthys polylepis

31. Shortnose Wrasse, Macropharyngodon geoffroyi

32. Black Durgon, Melichthys niger

33. Spotted Boxfish, Ostracion meleagris

34. Blackside Hawkfish, Paracirrhites forsteri

35. Hawaiian Longfin Anthias, Pseudanthias hawaiiensis

36. Eightstripe Wrasse, Pseudocheilinus octotaenia

37. Fourstripe Wrasse, Pseudocheilinus tetrataenia

38. Smalltail Wrasse, Pseudojuloides cerasinus

39. Lei Triggerfish, Sufflamen bursa

40. Gilded Triggerfish, Xanthichthys auromarginatus

More at link below:

For those too impatient to read, this list above is only for fish collection in the largest Hawaiian collection area, the AQ Fishery, located off of the Big Island of Hawaii. However, it is expected to pass to neighboring islands.
The new rules stipulate a "bag limit" on collectable fishes, meaning each collector can only take a certain number of fish by species.
Prices will most likely rise accordingly.
From my understanding that is for one island only and the others are still open. Right? I see nothing listed for any type of lion or scorpion.
Yes, the others are still open and not currently affected. However, this regulation is expected to spread to other islands and other areas.

You're correct, there are no scorpions, lions, or even frog fish or Potter's Wrasses on the White list.

I don't see flame angel on the list, meaning no more flames??

As Butthead would say, "this sucks beavis" !!!
Wonder how many others we just aren't thinking of? I understand the need to regulate, but to completely cut out a certain fish seems overkill.
That's a bummer because I love the fish that come from Hawaii. Lost of awsome vivid colors. Guess that's what we get for over collecting. Need to save a few wild one to repopulate Hawaii so future generations can enjoy the species as well.
True Hawaiian Flame angels are very rare. The entire time I lived there I only saw 10-12 come through Coral Fish Hawaii. Regular Philippine, Indonesian, or Christmas Island, (which is technically part of the Hawaiian Island Chain) were $20 each, the true Hawaiian Flames were $40-$60. Of course that was 25 years ago too.... But you get the idea.

We'll still get flame angels, but they will be from other areas or will be captive bred.
Hell, this might be the thing that gets breeder in Hawaii (who name I'm spacing right now) doing Flame Angels again. He did them before but there was no profit in them because you could get the wild caught angels right about 75% cheaper than he was forced to sell them at. If he can get a permit for a pair of true Hawaiian Flame angels and get brood stock out of them, then you might have something worth the premium price.
pst... hey kid, yeah you.. over here, in the dark alley, wanna buy some HumuHumu? Got some good Flames... come on kid, dont be scared, try em....

On a more serious note, this might spark an increase in the typical salt water hobbyists interest in breeding fish. I have toyed with the idea from time to time but never did enough research. With the advances in equipment and tech this hobby has seen, it doesn't seem unreasonable. I only know of 2 or 3 people on RF that breed regularly, I would bet that number will increase as desirable fish become more expensive or unobtainable.

Wasn't there a thread here at RF about 9 months back that was talking about outlawing the sale or trade of corals? Seems I remember something like that.

I think you mean Les from Wet Pets Hawaii.


Wet Pets wasn't around when I lived on Oahu. The biggest store and only Wholesale/Retail store on Oahu at the time I lived there, 1986-1990 was Coral Fish Hawaii. They were housed in two huge warehouses and had over a million gallons of saltwater when I worked there, so we got to see some interesting and unique stuff.

As far as breeders go, I was thinking of Reef Culture Technologies Hawaii, (RCT Hawaii)
An angelfish fan such as yourself????


I figured you'd have em on speed dial!
well they are on my radar now...looks to be mostly centropyge angels and their online store is not that impressive (if you can find it)
They were shut down for a couple of years so that they could move to a different location. I believe it was for more space.