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too "edgy" for this place
Apr 19, 2008
Bremerton, Wa
saw someone from talking about PSAS,
so I did a little search on google and found this.

I'm pretty new at this Reef stuff
I picked up a 58g(ish) acrylic tank from a friend who was moving
it's got a sump, skimmer, live rock, sand, ect...
it had been setup for several years

it seems to be holding up pretty well
I traded in the lone Clown (he was really agressive towards (and killed) the damsel and chrome I added)
and now have a Blue hippo tang (2 months) and a Dragon Goby (1 week)
as well as a bunch of hermets, several kindes of snails, and a few emerald crabs
+ a handfull of Mushroom corals and a leather toadstool.

I'm slowly learning,
and hoping to upgrade to a little larger tank in the near future

everything I've purchased, I've either gotten online at or locally at The Shark Reef in Silverdale

Sounds like you are off to a good start, pics would be great.

Also, how big is the blue tang??

Good luck :)

I'd say he's about 3.5-4" (including his tail)

all my pics are "too big" to attach right now,
I will try and get some up monday

I don't have a tape measure around,
but I think it's about 30" long, 12" deep, 24" high
I don't know the volume, I think I was told 48gal ????
Your tank is more like 37 gal. To find volume it's L x W x H / 231 ( all dimentions in inches ). Sorry to say it's 10 gal smaller than you thought. :(
Your tank is more like 37 gal. To find volume it's L x W x H / 231 ( all dimentions in inches ). Sorry to say it's 10 gal smaller than you thought. :(

oh well,

it's still a decent setup (I think)

I'm still looking for bigger 70-90g
in fact,
I may have found one, it's acrylic, I was leaning towards glass,
but it seems like a good deal

can I transfer everything from my existing tank to one 2x it's size (all at once) without issue?

I was thinking setting up the tank, half filling it,
setting the sg, and temp
adding new sand, and some new rock

then transfer everything from my current tank

in this order?:
rock, half the water, sand, then livestock, then the rest of the water.

would this be safe?

(in my mind) it seems like it would be the same as a 50% water change and adding sand and rock

Greetings and welcome!

I would suggest that you do a quick search of "tank move" and sit back for a brief 10--12 hour read :)

Great luck,
Greetings and welcome!

I would suggest that you do a quick search of "tank move" and sit back for a brief 10--12 hour read :)

Great luck,

that's why I asked

will my 2700lph pump be enough for this tank?
it seems to be just under 600gph
Greetings and welcome!

I would suggest that you do a quick search of "tank move" and sit back for a brief 10--12 hour read :)

Great luck,

I just tried,

apperantly nearly every thread on the board has the word "tank" or "move" in it

this was no help at all:cry:
will my 2700lph pump be enough for this tank?
it seems to be just under 600gph

That is enough for just dropping water to the sump for a skimmer and that's about it. Adding some power heads, Tunze pumps or the cheaper Hydror (Eric has them @ the Shark Reef) would be a very good idea.

As far as the tank swap, I would recommend taking a couple days to move the livestock. Set up the 90 with live sand and cured rock and let it run for a day or two to cear up, then move the fishies. JMO.

You could also pop into the Shark Reef and talk to Eric. He is very helpful and I'm sure he wouldn't mind sharring some advise.
I was thinking about a power head to help move water within the tank anyways.

the deal with setting up the new tank for a few days is that I only have one return pump.
if I put it in the new tank to setup for a few days, then I won't have one for my current tank while the livestock waits. :(

I'm on my way over to shark reef in a few min,

gonna pick his brain a bit.

and pick up some ro/di water
I just got back (about an hour ago)
didn't pick up any rock, but I'm going back in a few min
(they said they will have more new rock to chose from by 5 or so)

I did get my water tested (after testing it this morning at home) everything seems to be consistant with my home testing
(except I can't test for phosphates yet, and they were still high)

I picked up a little Midas Beleni to add some color to my tank.
he's acclimating right now, I just did a water change and moved my rockwork, hopefully the tang won't be too terratorial when the midas goes in in a couple hours.
I did the math wrong on the pump,

it's a 2700lph / 700gph (that will be almost 10x turnover rate for the 75gal, I will probably go with one of those pod type powerheads to help anyways.)
This is my suggestion for an easy and (almost) fool proof way of transfering tanks. I would do weekly water changes of like 5 gallons +/- some what ever you are comfortable with. Add the old water into the new tank with a heater and PH running. It will take a little longer this way, but you know that atleast water chemistry will be the same and there will hardly be a shock when switching. I would do this until it is about 1/2 to 3/4 full, then move everything and finish filling with the 37gal.

Good luck, and always ask :)

I just got back from the store,
picked up another 12lbs of LR, some cool stuff, got to pick thru the shippment that came in today.
just got it in the tank, my sump is getting fairly full of rock now. (as is my tank)

the 75 I was looking at just sold,
now I'm looking at a package at Shark Reef
includes everything, 75lbs rock, 40lbs sand, pump, heater, lights, stand, salt, ect...

just gotta come up with the cash......
unless I find a 90 before then ;)
Russ - i will pm you my phone number but i may have some corals that i can hood you up with. No charge! but i am only available week day evenings after 5:30 and weekends.
picked up some more stuff:

fish: in order of how long I've had them
3" blue hippo tang
3" dragon goby
3" midas bleni
2.5-3" green bubble tipped anenomie (I think it may be about to split)
2.5" and 1.5" gold striped maroon clowns

a bunch of mushrooms
a toadstool leather
some finger leathers
several Kenya tree's
a couple handfulls of zoo's







